Chapter Two

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"Miss, aren't you excited to accompany the third prince?" Xiao Yu combed my hair with light strokes as I bit my lower lip to stop myself from shivering.

Not really.

"Of course, I am."

"Miss, I heard that there's a huge possibility that the emperor will choose the third prince as his successor." Xiao Yu expertly braided my hair, leaving a few of my front hair loose.

I know.


"Miss, I also heard that the third prince has taken a liking on you. You might become the crown princess!" Xiao Yu exclaimed in excitement.

I turned to face her and gave her an unamused look.

"Xiao Yu, it seems like you're tired of serving this Miss." I narrowed my eyes on her.

"Miss! This servant wouldn't dare!" Xiao Yu immediately dropped her head and shook her head.

"Good girl." I smiled.

"But miss, why are you bathing in ice water in the middle of the night? You're going to get sick." Xiao Yu asked as she went to get another wooden bucket full of ice.


Why else am I suffering from this cold bath if not for the reason of getting sick?

If I get sick, I don't need to accompany Chen Heng Li on touring the town. If I get sick, I don't have to spend time with him. The lesser encounter with him, the better.

"The General will surely punish me." Xiao Yu sighed.

"No worries. Just don't tell father." I assured her.

Xiao Yu just nodded her head as she absent-mindedly poured more ice into my tub which was already overflowing.

I gently flicked her nose, "Do you have so much grievances against this Miss that you're trying to drown me?"

I said I wanted to get sick, not be frozen to death.


The next day, I was burning with fever. My head aches, my cheeks were flushed red and I couldn't stop my self from trembling.

Ahh, this is terrible.

"Miss, this is all my fault!" Xiao Yu was panicking as she held her hand on my forehead. When she felt how hot I was, she started to cry.

"Shhhh... Xiao Yu, you are so loud. My head is pounding with your crying. Go tell father I am sick and I am not fit to accompany the third prince." I said in a low voice.

Xiao Yu bowed her head and went to father's quarters. In a few minutes, she returned with my father in tow.

"Fan'er!" Father rushed beside my bed and held my hand.

"My dear child, what happened? How are you feeling?" He helped me adjust in a sitting position.

"Its probably the cold wind last night." I lied.

I heard Xiao Yu cough in the corner of the room so with the little strength that I have, I gave her a threatening look that conveys, 'shut up if you don't want to feel my wrath.'

"I told you not stay out on your garden for too long especially that the winter is fast approaching. You know how easily you get sick." Father sighed.

My body's constitution is not that good. I quickly tire and if I don't take extra precaution, I get sick.

"Here, drink this herbal medicine." Father handed me a green-colored liquid in a teacup.

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