Chapter Fifteen

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Just how powerful is the plot?

Chen Heng Li and Ming Shu have never encountered each other until now but they immediately felt the pull towards each other. Though Chen Heng Li was also attracted to me, he never looked at me the way he looked at Ming Shu.

I give up.

If I can't stop them, then I'd just play as their matchmaker. They will end up together and will probably forget about my existence. Then I can continue living my life just like before. Its a win-win situation.

I couldn't help but sigh.

I should have done this from the start.

If I did this earlier, I wouldn't have to go through all that hiding and planning. I wouldn't have wasted my life being paranoid.

Ahh, I'm so dumb.

"What?!" Father slammed his hand on the table in front of him.

I shifted on my seat and grabbed its edge, "father, I know you only want the best for me but I don't want to marry the crown prince."

Father took a deep breath and released it in a loud puff.

"Fan'er, why don't you want to marry the crown prince? He's a good man, I would not have helped him ascend the throne if he wasn't."

"Father, I know that the crown prince is a good man but I just can't marry him." I shook my head profusely.

"Tell me the reason why you are against this proposition." Father's face has darkened and his forehead was scrunched showing that he was already angry.

Because he's the male lead.

I can marry anyone except the crown prince!

"Father, I just don't like him."

"That's it?"

I nodded.

What else could I say, father?

"Fan'er, the crown prince likes you. If the problem is that you don't like him, then take time to like him."

"But fath-"

Father cut me off, "If you don't marry the crown prince, will you marry one of the other princes?"

I looked at father questioningly.

Marry one of the other princes? Why would I?

"Fan'er, the royal concubine Hua has requested the Emperor to marry you to one of her sons," father revealed, "the Emperor had already talked to me about it and has given me a week for my answer."

"A week?!"

My head is starting to ache.

"If you don't accept the crown prince's proposal, you will have to marry prince Mu or prince Hui."

"Father, I don't want to marry into the royal family!" My voice raised and I unintentionally lashed at him.

I said I don't want to marry into the royal family!

Heavens, why do you keep pushing me!

"Fan'er! Behave like a proper lady!" Father scolded me, "Someone might hear you!"

I slumped on the chair and glared at my him.

"Fan'er, you know how much I cherish you. Ever since your mother died, you're the only family that I have. I gave you everything you wanted and I will continue doing so, but sadly, there are things that I can not do for you." Father stood up and stood in front of  my mother's portrait.

I know I shouldn't be blaming him. I also know that he has no control of the happenings, he might be a respected general but he still needs to bow down to the Emperor.

"When the crown prince heard of the royal concubine's plan, he offered to take you as his crown princess. He also promised to take care of you," father took a deep sigh, "if I knew that the royal concubine would request of you to the Emperor, I shouldn't have let you come to the Emperor's ball."

"Fan'er, I know that you always wanted to live a simple life. You never attended noble parties and avoided anything that has to do with the royal family. You never associated yourself with anyone from the imperial capital." Father continued.

I stared at his back, dumbfounded.

You knew?

"Father is sorry that you have to be dragged in this. I truly am."

"Father..." I can feel my tears starting to drip on the corner of my eyes.

"Fan'er, I want you to be happy. If you truly do not wish to marry any of the princes then I will withdraw from my position and we can leave this empire." Father turned to face me. All I saw was sadness in his eyes.

Father have a lot of enemies, not only the ones he's guarding the Western Border from but also inside the imperial capital. If he truly withdraws from his position, a lot of his adversaries would take this chance to attack him.

Am I too selfish?

Do I only think of myself and never considered my father?

"It may not be easy but if we needed to escape, I have friends on the North that could help u-"

"Father, stop. Don't say that, the Western Border needs you," I spoke as I walked towards him and gave him a hug, "please, just give me more time to think about this."


In these ancient times where women have no right to express their opinions nor make decisions for themselves, I'm very grateful I have you as a father.

As I left father's quarters, Xiao Yu hurriedly came to me.


I can tell that she heard what happened inside as her eyes were puffy red and her voice was a bit hoarse like she had been crying.

"Xiao Yu, I am okay." I gave her a fake smile.

As soon as we arrived to my chambers, I dismissed everyone and told them not to disturb me.

I just wanted a time alone. As I lay on my bed, I thought about what father said.

I have to applaud royal concubine Hua for being smart that she even brought me up to the emperor. Being the Western General's daughter, I have a great value on my head. If she married me to one of his sons, then that son of her will have the backing of General Bai.

Though Chen Heng Li was already crowned as the successor, there are still possibilities of the other sons taking over the crown prince status. Especially that Chen Heng Li don't have the power over the court yet.

I've seen royal concubine Hua's sons at the Emperor's ball just weeks ago. I even have the unfateful encounter with the second prince, Chen Hui. Besides being a despicable scum, he also has four concubines. On the other hand, there's not much information about the first prince, Chen Mu. Unlike his younger brother, Chen Mu rarely reveals himself in the public. He's as mysterious as he can get. Then of course, we have the third prince Chen Heng Li who happens to be the male lead.

If I don't marry into the royal family, what will happen to me and my father?

I don't really have much of a hold on my life, do I?

In the end, I'm just another pawn in someone else's game.

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