Chapter Twenty Eight 1/2

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"Mu'er! Fan'er!" The royal concubine Hua was smiling from ear to ear as she welcomed us in her receiving hall. We bowed in respect and proceeded to the seats assigned to us.

"Congratulations to both of you. Now, I don't have to worry too much about Mu'er," the royal concubine sighed in relief and continued, "Fan'er, take good care of my son."

"Thank you, your highness. I will." I bowed.

"Fan'er, enough with formalities. I told you to start calling me mother." The royal concubine reminded me.

"Yes, mother." I quickly corrected myself.

"Now, let me see the white cloth." The royal concubine instructed and told her personal maid to retrieve it from us.

The white cloth!

The white cloth is placed into a newly couple's matrimonial bed. It serves as evidence of a woman's virginity as well as a proof that the couple consummated their marriage.

But we didn't do it!

I nervously looked at Chen Mu but his expression didn't change. He looked eerily calm and composed.

What are we supposed to do?

The personal maid arrived in front of us and extended her hand, "Princess Bai Fan, will you hand this servant the white cloth?"

"I-I..." I stuttered.

If I am not able to give the white cloth, they would think that there's something wrong with me. Either I was already tainted or the first prince had no interest in me.

"Fan'er, don't be shy." The royal concubine encouragingly nudged.

Mother, its not that I'm shy. I'm quite shameless but I can't magically provide you with the white cloth when nothing happened between me and your son. Well, something happened but not what you have imagined.

Just then, Chen Mu took something out of his sleeves. My eyes widened seeing the blood-stained white cloth. It was the same one I used to wipe the blood off his wound.

Did he knew this was going to happen?

I stared at Chen Mu in awe and whispered, "Thank you."

He sipped on the glass of wine he was holding and said, "Thank me later."

I frowned.

What does that even mean?

The memories of last night, specifically the kiss that I shared with Chen Mu assaulted me.

I shook my head and cleared my thoughts.

Focus, Bai Fan. Focus!

My eyes went to the royal concubine who had a satisfied expression upon seeing the cloth.

I'm just grateful that there were no laboratory tests during these times or else, they'd found out that the blood on the white cloth was a sham.

"Mu'er, why don't you go and greet your brothers?" The royal concubine suggested and turned to me, "Leave Bai Fan to me."

Dear husband, don't leave me here alone. I think your mother is on to something.

"I'll leave then, mother." Chen Mu stood up from his seat and faced me, "I'll come get you later."

I bitterly watched Chen Mu's back as he disappeared from my sight and I was left with my mother-in-law. The upward curve on her lips suddenly chilled me to the bone. She appears to be plotting something sinister and I'm part of her plan.

"Come here." She raised her hands and motioned for me to come forward.

I cautiously walked towards the royal concubine, taking tiny but stable steps and sat on the cushion beside her.

"Fan'er, I know you only got married yesterday," She said and gestured for her personal maid to retrieve something, "but I hope you and Mu'er could give me a grandchild very soon."

Mother, you're too straightforward. And demanding, too.

I laughed awkwardly, not really knowing how to respond to her request. If I say no, well, I really can't say no since it was never one of the choices. If I say yes, I need to take action with Chen Mu and deliver good results.

"Fan'er, as you can see, I am no longer young. This old woman would like to see her grandchildren before I join my ancestors." The royal concubine wiped the non-existent tears on the corner of her eyes.

Mother, you're only in your late thirties. Aren't you a bit dramatic?

Not wanting to dwell more on the topic, I responded, "Yes mother. You don't have to worry. The first prince and I will do our best."

"I know you won't disappoint me, Fan'er." The royal concubine patted my hand.

The personal maid returned and handed the royal concubine a small wooden box. The royal concubine took a tiny bottle with a transparent liquid in it.

Upon seeing it, my body turned rigid.

Why does that look familiar?

The royal concubine slipped the bottle in my hand and spoke in a hushed voice, "Add this to your husband's favorite wine and it will work its wonders."

I suddenly felt thirsty so reached for the glass of water and gulped it down.

"Tried and tested." The royal concubine continued and winked.

I choked.

Mother, no wonder I didn't want to be left alone with you. I felt something ominous was going to happen and my fear was confirmed.

"Thank you, mother." I took the bottle and slid it inside my pouch. I will have to dispose it as soon as possible before someone would find it again.

After half an hour of torture, I mean, half an hour of the royal concubine lecturing me about the duties of a good wife, the royal concubine decided to go for a walk while waiting for my husband.

I don't know what's taking him so long but I just wish he could come pick me up already. I already ran out of energy and my face is starting to feel numb from smiling.

Chen Mu, where are you?

How are we supposed to give your mother the grandchildren she wanted if you keep leaving me?

Of course, I was joking...

Come and save me from your mother before she ends up brainwashing me.

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