Chapter Seventeen 💥

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The golden lion emblem signifies the highest status in the entire empire and can be only worn by the royal family. If common folks wears one, they will end up in jail for impersonation of a powerful figure.

That means there are six golden lion emblems in existence. One for the emperor, two for his queen and royal concubine, and three for his sons. Though Chen Hui has four concubines, they weren't given the emblem since only the official wife can have it.

So how did a rare, precious badge got into my room?

I'm quite sure the emperor and his two wives have never set foot in the Bai household, much more my private chambers.

That leaves me to the royal siblings.

To confirm my suspicions, I headed towards the courtyard where Chen Heng Li was currently residing. As soon as I step foot in the backyard, I saw two people animatedly talking and joking around.

During the time when both the protagonists met, the exact same day, I fixed for Ming Shu to serve in Chen Heng Li's courtyard. At first, she vehemently refused but with my persuasive powers and guilt-tripping, she eventually agreed.

I saw Chen Heng Li reach for Ming Shu's hand and pulled her towards his lap. Then Ming Shu gave him a quick peck on his lips before bursting in a fit of giggle.

My blood suddenly boiled.

How dare they act lovey-dovey in front of me while I'm stuck with problems I can't even solve?!

To begin with, this is all their fault! I've been avoiding and hiding away from them but no! They just have to appear in my once peaceful life and screw things over!

Without much thought, I brought out the dagger that was hidden inside my sleeves and sneakily walked my way towards them, making sure not to cause any noise and alert them of my presence.

I'm ending everything now!

When I was behind Chen Heng Li, I raised the dagger and stabbed him on his back repeatedly not minding the splashing of blood into my body. Ming Shu screamed in horror seeing the scene that unfolded right in front of her.

Before she could run away, I was able to grab her hair and pulled her down. She tried to fight back but she was no match of the anger and hatred that was raging inside of me.

"Do you think your lead halo will save you?" I asked her with an evil grin painted on my face, "nope!"

"Miss, please let me go." She pleaded as tears drip down her face.

"Before I kill you, I just want you to know that your death is because of you," I punctured her chest with the dagger and pushed it straight to her heart, "you shouldn't have crossed my path."

I stared at the dead body sprawled on the ground. With a satisfied grin, I muttered to myself, "Now, I can live peacefully."

The End.

[[ Hello,

I just want to thank you for taking your time and reading my story. Everyone have been very supportive and it means a lot.

And oh, I'll be uploading the real chapter in a bit. Happy April Fool's Day! ]]

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