Chapter Twenty One 1/2

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The entire time, my mind was somewhere else. I was preoccupied with the thought of Chen Mu being the Dark Shadow.

Is it really possible?

His eyes, his voice, and the way he walks.

Don't tell me its a coincidence that I found a golden lion emblem in my room?

Thinking about it, the Dark Shadow was the only one who can enter and leave my room whenever he wants.

I kept staring at Chen Mu in awe that even the royal concubine noticed it. She smiled knowingly. She probably thought I was totally smitten by his son.


The Emperor announced my betrothal to the first prince and people flocked over to our table to give their best wishes. The empress was not able to come since she was sick but she sent us her gifts. I couldn't remember most of their names so I have to depend on Chen Mu to remind me of their identities. Thankfully, he was kind enough to help me out.

Chen Heng Li came to greet us but he ignored me and only talked to his brother. I wanted to ask him about Ming Shu but seeing how he's trying to brush me off, I didn't bother anymore. When he returned back to his seat, I can feel him send me daggers with his eyes.

Is he mad at me? I already helped him get together with his female lead. What else does he want?

"Do you like Chen Heng Li?" Chen Mu asked in a low voice that I could only hear.

I looked at him and raised my brows, "first prince Chen Mu, I don't know what you're talking about."

We were seated together just below the royal concubine's seat while Chen Heng Li was seated below the empress' seat so we were facing each other.

"Then stop staring at him," Chen Mu copied me and raised his brows as well, "keep your eyes on me."

Call me paranoid but is he somewhat jealous?

How cute.

"I don't want people to think that we aren't even married yet but you're already cheating on me with my brother. You might lose your position, worst, your life." He warned.

I thought wrong. I should stop assuming things.

Ahh, I'm glad I didn't voice that out. So embarrassing.

"I wasn't staring at him." I said but he didn't respond anymore. He was focused on the dancing ladies in the middle.

Are the dancers that interesting?

The celebration went by without any problems. Chen Hui didn't go back to the hall so I'm guessing he's already asleep in his quarters or he's stuck with the royal guards. Chen Heng Li was still treating me like air, I didn't mind though and the royal concubine kept sending our table more food that I almost puked everything I've eaten.

I was already feeling sleepy and tired so I whispered to Xiao Yu, "tell the men to ready the carriage, I will just bid farewell to the Emperor and we'll go."

Chen Mu heard what I said and moved his seat closer to mine.

"I'm taking you home." He mumbled into my ears. I was trying so hard not to burst into a fit of giggle as I was ticklish.

"You don't have to. I can handle myself." I shook my head.

"Okay." He answered nonchalantly and continued sipping the wine in his hand.

Is he not going to insist?

"Okay, fine." I pouted.

This guy is so lame.

I breathed in and out to calm myself.

At least, I will have the chance to ask him about the Dark Shadow in private.

He looked at me questioningly.

"I said, you can take me home."

Pride? What's that?

"Since you want to, then I will," he stood up and extended his hand towards me, "stand up and we'll say our goodbyes to father and mother."

I looked around and saw everyone's eyes on us. I suddenly felt conscious when I took his hand. He escorted me towards the throne.

"Father, Fan'er was exhausted with her travel from the Western Border and was not able to rest well. We would like to excuse ourselves, I will bring her home." Chen Mu explained to the Emperor.


With everything that Chen Mu has spoken, the only thing that registered in my mind was that word. I wanted to ask him about it but it wasn't the right place.

The Emperor gave us his approval we bid them adieu. The royal concubine gave me a hug and told me to come visit the palace again to which I agreed.

"Mu'er, take care of Bai Fan." The royal concubine reminded his son before letting us go.

Xiao Yu came back to tell me that the carriage was ready to go.

"Take the carriage back with you," Chen Mu instructed Xiao Yu and held my hand, "I'll take her with me."

Xiao Yu looked at me for my permission.

"Xiao Yu, you can go ahead." I nodded.

"But miss..." Xiao Yu has worry written all over her face. I can't blame her though, this is the only time we've met Chen Mu and even if he's the first prince, she isn't sure if the guy beside me can be trusted.

"Its okay, I have things I want to talk to him about." I told her and gave her an assuring grin.

I need to confirm my suspicions.

Chen Mu led me to his carriage and we both sat on opposite seats. When the door closed and the carriage started moving, he closed his eyes. He didn't even speak a single word to me so I was left to my own thoughts.

How do I begin?

Should I ask him directly?

But what if he isn't the Dark Shadow and he'll start to think that I'm crazy?

Ahh, whatever!

"First prince?" I called out to him.

No response.

"Chen Mu?" This time, I made my voice louder.

He didn't even move an inch.

Is he seriously sleeping?

This prince is so carefree. What if I killed him in his sleep? He should be thankful I'm a good person.

I tried to wave my hands in front of him but I still got no reaction from him.

Should I wake him up?

I was about to tap his shoulders but stopped when an ingenious idea popped up inside my head.

I took the handkerchief out of my sleeves and slowly transferred to the seat beside him. I waved my hand one last time and was relieved that he was still sleeping.

If I cover his lower face with this cloth...

I held my breath and carefully lifted the handkerchief.

Here we go.

Before I could drop the handkerchief on his face, he suddenly opened his eyes and grabbed my hand. I can hear my heart beat so loud and beads of sweat started to form on my forehead.

He shifted on his seat without breaking eye contact, "will you care to explain what you were supposed to do?"

I want to faint. Please let me faint.

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