Chapter Seven

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Tonight is the Emperor's birthday celebration, the main reason why I'm at the imperial capital.

I was seated in the corner along with other noble ladies and I feel out of place. Everyone seemed to know each other as they were chatting animatedly and would throw me curious glances.

I tapped my feet against the cold hard floor waiting for the celebration to begin. For some reason, I feel fidgety.

When the eunuch announced the Emperor's arrival together with his family, everyone stood up and greeted him in unison. Though we were seated far from the throne, I was able to get a good look at the Emperor.

The Emperor was in his early forties but he appeared younger than his actual age. I can already imagine what Chen Heng Li would look like when he grows older. Beside the Emperor is his Empress, Chen Heng Li's mother, and his Royal Concubine, mother to his other sons.

They gave the impression of a perfect, happy family living harmoniously but everyone knows its not the case. Especially that the Emperor haven't crowned his successor yet.

Chen Heng Li is the only the child of the Empress while the Royal Concubine have two sons, Chen Mu and Chen Hui. As much as Chen Heng Li has his own supporters, his older brothers have their own devotees as well. Chen Heng Li will have to work harder if he wants the crown.

Speaking of Chen Heng Li, I was not able to catch a glimpse of him. He was nowhere to be found.

As the celebration continued, food and drinks kept coming. The music never stopped and the dancers were quick on their toes. Everyone was in a cheery mode, except me.

I suddenly missed my father who was seated near the prime minister, just below the Emperor's throne. If not for propriety reasons, I would have ran and sat beside him.

After drinking my third glass of wine, I was feeling hot and the loud chatters was irritating me. So I made my way out of the hall and into the nearby garden.

"Miss..." Someone called out to me.

Seeing that it was the second prince, Chen Hui, I immediately bowed my head in greeting, "your highness..."

"Oh, I didn't expect for you to know me." Chen Hui laughed, pleased that I know of his status.

Of course, I know you. I wrote your existence.

"Your highness is wearing a royal emblem only worn by the Emperor and his family..." I explained, looking at the golden lion pin attached to his clothes.

Chen Hui laughed, "oh, is that it? I thought you were interested in this prince."

I couldn't help but raise a brow.

And I thought that I was the most narcissistic person in this era, turned out, Chen Hui is more shameless than I am.

"By the way, I noticed you inside the hall. You looked lonely so I followed you." Chen Hui continued, ignoring my lack of enthusiasm.

"Your highness is right."

I did feel lonely, but it was more of boredom.

"Do you want to play with me?" He said with a creepy grin.

Is he for real?

I gripped on the side of my dress, ready to run if he tries something funny.

"What do you think?" He licked his lips and smacked it together creating a hissy sound.

I regret writing your character!

Before I could answer, a eunuch came and was asking for Chen Hui's presence in the hall.

"Wait for me, I will be back." He gave me a wink and followed the eunuch.

"Why are people here acting so weird?" I sighed, looking at the disappearing back of the second prince.


"Yes, very weird. Everyone is acting out of concept. First, the male protagonist is suddenly interested with the villainess. Then we have the female le-"

I slowly turned on my back and almost fainted when my eyes met the familiar dark onyx staring at me.

"Chen Heng Li!"

Did he hear me?!

"What are you doing here alone?" Chen Heng Li said as he wrapped his outer wear on my shoulders, "its cold."


"What were you talking about earlier?" He asked as he tucked the loose hair behind my ears.

"What... What do you mean?" I acted oblivious of what he was asking.

"About the male protagonist and the villainess." He reminded me.

Of course he heard me, he wasn't deaf.


What was I supposed to say?

"About that..."

Should I tell him that I was actually talking about him?


Should I tell him that I was the villainess and we're all inside a book?


Of course, I wouldn't. They might think I'm practicing witchcraft. Such thing is considered taboo and heretical that they would probably burn me to ashes.

"Let's go back inside then, you might catch a cold." Chen Heng Li said.

"Oh, I never thanked you personally for the herbal supplements you sent to our household." I replied, remembering the whole room of medicine back in the Bai Household.

"It's nothing, if you need more, just tell me."

We walked back to the hall and met one of my father's personal guard. He first bowed to Chen Heng Li and looked at me, " Miss, the General is looking for you."

I removed the garb draped over my shoulders. It will cause unnecessary rumors if the people inside would see me wearing his clothes with the royal emblem on it.

"Your highness, thank you for lending me this," I said and gave it back to him, "I will be going."

He looked disappointed as I walk away from him and followed father's personal guard back inside. The Emperor had already left so father wants us to go home, too.

Inside the carriage, father asked me if I was able to make friends.

Sorry to disappoint you father but it was hard making friends with the snob nobles of the imperial capital.

If I'm not receiving hateful gazes from the ladies, I'm collecting lewd stares from the men.

If it was the original Bai Fan, she would have glared back or snapped at them. She would have also used her identity as the daughter of the well-respected Western Border's General to pressure them to submission.

But I wasn't her so I just let them be. Unlike others, I'm not hungry for revenge. All I want is to live my life peacefully.

I pretended to be asleep, not wanting to answer his questions.

I just hope I don't have to meet Chen Hui again. Chen Heng Li is enough trouble for me.

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