Chapter Fifty Five

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"Xiao Yu, its so early in the morning, why are you scowling?" I asked Xiao Yu who had a serious expression on her face.

"Miss, master is bullying you. You're already pregnant and he is still doing that to you." Xiao Yu said and pointed at the obvious bite marks in my neck.

I stared at Xiao Yu in disbelief.


Early this morning, Chen Mu had woken me up as he was to leave for a couple of days again. He was tasked by the emperor to bring back the Han Envoy back to their empire.

I couldn't help but worry thinking that Princess Lu Si might had something to do with it. With all the officials of this empire, why does it have to be Chen Mu who needs to accompany them?

Isn't that fishy?

I wanted to voice out my concerns but stopped myself from doing so. I wanted to go with him but since I was "pregnant," then I naturally can't.

With a sigh, I watched Chen Mu leave with Riu.

"Miss, what do you want to do today?" Xiao Yu asked as she helped me fix my hair.

"Where is Ning Ai?" I muttered. I haven't seen her for so long and I missed her child, too.

"Miss, Ning Ai us pregnant so she went back to her husband's hometown. She will be back after giving birth." Xiao Yu informed me.

"She's pregnant? That was fast, her child just turned one last month." I answered in awe.

"Miss, in your case, you haven't even given birth and you'd get pregnant again."


Xiao Yu raised her hand and pretended to zip her mouth close.

Xiao Yu, you win.

I stared at my reflection in the mirror, my fingers lightly touching the marks which proves that we have finally consummated our marriage. A smile crept on my lips and my cheeks started to flush just thinking about the details of last night.

We finally did it.

"Miss, are you imagining master?" Xiao Yu started to tease me once again.

"Of course not." I snorted.

"Miss..." Xiao Yu widened her eyes at me, disappointment was clear in her voice, "I can't believe you really do have another lover."

I turned around to face Xiao Yu and raised my brows on her, "What are you talking about?"

"Just this morning, I overheard master talking with one of his men."


"Miss, I don't dare say it," Xiao Yu suddenly kneeled in front of me, "But Miss, please think thoroughly about your actions. Master has treated you well, please don't bring trouble to yourself."

I held Xiao Yu by her shoulders and pulled her up, "Xiao Yu, what are you talking about?"

"Miss, master has ordered one of his men to search for your lover. I didn't even know you have one, I am such a failure." Xiao Yu answered dramatically as she wiped the tears that flowed out from her eyes.

This time, I was the one staring at her in disbelief. My braincells can't seem to decipher her words.

"Xiao Yu, I have no idea about what you're talking about." I creased my brows in utter confusion.

"Miss, you don't have to lie to me." Xiao Yu answered.

I flicked her forehead with force and she groaned in pain. If she didn't step back, I would have done it again.

"If you don't tell me what's going on, I'm really calling the guards," I threatened her, "tell me from the start to finish."

Xiao Yu slumped on the floor and raised her head to look at me, "Miss, so this morning, I woke up early. Just like how I usually do. I stretched my arms and limbs then went to relieve myself. After that, I went back to my room to fi-"

"Xiao Yu..."

This girl will be the death of me.

"Miss, I overheard master instructing his men to look for a man named Leonardo DiCaprio and bring him to master."

I can't.

I clutched my stomach and bursted in laughter. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I tried to control myself from shaking.

"I can't breath." I wiped my eyes with my sleeves and breathed in.

"Miss, are you okay?" Xiao Yu worriedly stood beside me and fanned me with her hand.

It took me a while to calm myself.

Good luck finding Leonardo DiCaprio.

"Xiao Yu, let's go to Ying Yi." I told Xiao Yu and she helped me dress up in a golden dress.

I haven't seen Yu Lang in a while. The last time we went to Ying Yi, the owner said that Yu Lang was not working their anymore. But since his master was back in the imperial capital, maybe Yu Lang was back as well.

With a throng of guards, we made our way to Ying Yi. The streets were crowded as usual so we had a hard time maneuvering our way towards the restaurant.

As soon as we entered the establishment, the waiter led us to the second floor where the private rooms were. We ordered sweet desserts and I asked for the manager to come our room.

"Princess, would you like me to call Yu Lang for you?" The manager offered after confirming that Yu Lang was indeed back.

"Yes, please." I smiled.

Yu Lang came and served us the food. I was happy to see him again so I told him to accompany me eat.

"Miss, I haven't seen you in a while!" Yu Lang ecstatically said as he stuffed his mouth with plum cakes.

"I don't know if you're excited to see me or those cakes." I teased him.

Yu Lang choked so I handed him a glass of water, "Careful."

Looking at Yu Lang, he definitely grew taller and a bit bulkier. He still has his goofy grin but his features was starting to mature. Its been months and he was growing well.

"Yu Lang, what do you say about working for me?" I asked him.

"Miss, as much as I adore you like a big sister but I already have a master." He answered with a smile and continued eating.

I asked him about it back then and he had the same answer.

He still doesn't know that his master is my husband.

"Yu Lang, I know your master. I'll talk to him and maybe you can come to Chen Manor and work there instead."

Yu Lang stopped picking food and gazed at me, "Miss, I'm loyal to my master."

"Fine. I won't ask you anymore," I grinned at him, "Its a shame that no one is going to help me eat the food at the Chen Manor."

Yu Lang seemed to think about it, carefully chewing the meat bun in his mouth.

"Miss, then I have a favor to ask."

"What is it?"

"Since miss knows my master, can you talk to him about it?" Yu Lang uttered with a hopeful voice.

I rolled my eyes.

What happened to "I am loyal to my master?"

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