Chapter Nine

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With the help of Xiao Yu and Ming Shu, I was able to sneak out of the household without any problem.

I am currently sitting inside the cafe where I told the masked man to meet me before, hoping that I'd catch a glimpse of him. I did ask around whether anyone has seen him but no one knew of his existence. I even went back to the jewelry vendor's place to ask but she wasn't there anymore.

Sipping on my cup of tea, my eyes are focused outside the window. I was checking every person who passes by and a familiar face caught my attention. I quickly put my payment on top of the table and left the cafe.

I followed that person, my eyes locked on him. The marketplace was crowded and I had a hard time maneuvering through the sea of people. I saw the person enter a narrow alley so I pushed my way through the crowd and went after him.

Ha! Caught you!

I grabbed the person's sleeves and he halted in shock. But when he saw my face, he looked delighted and relieved at the same time.

"Miss! I have been looking for you!" He said ecstatically, his eyes widening with glee.

"You know me?" I asked, confused at his reaction.

He motioned for me to release his sleeves but I gripped harder.

"Miss, I assure that I wouldn't run away," he smiled innocently, "and I want to ask for forgiveness for what stealing your money pouch back then."

Seeing that he was sincere, I let go of him. He reached inside his clothes and brought out a wad of bank notes. He handed the thick set of papers to me.

"What is this?" I raised my brows.

"Its the payment for what I stole." He smiled sheepishly.

I looked at the bank notes and can tell that it was all real and its worth a million taels that I nearly choked in disbelief.

"Kid, where did you get this? Did you steal again?" I eyed him suspiciously.

How can this little imp have so much money? Was he really rich? Didn't he stole my money pouch back then?

"Miss, I didn't!" He shook his head profusely, even raising his hands in denial.

"Then why did you steal from me if you had these much of money?"

"Miss, it was given by my master. He told me to pay you back what I stole." He explained.

Wow, he has a nice master.


Why does he keep calling me a 'miss'?

"Kid, why are you calling me 'miss'? Can't you see that I'm wearing male clothing?"

"Miss, you can call me Yu Lang," he snickered, "and you're too beautiful to be a man."

"Can't men be beautiful, too?"

"Miss, what I meant is that even though you're wearing male clothing, you can't hide that you're a girl." He revealed.

I guess Xiao Yu was right.

"Do you know who I am?" I asked him again.

"No, but I think my master knows you." He answered after pondering for a second.

Your master?

"Who is your master? How did he know me?"

"I don't know if I should be telling you this or not but he's the one who he-," he paused, "no, nevermind."

This kid!

"Are you going to tell me or what?" I took him by the ears and put pressure on it. He screamed in pain.

"Okay, okay! I will tell you!" He rubbed his ears after I released him.

"So who is your master?"

"My master has never given me his name that's why I only call him 'master'," he started, "but some of his subordinates call him the 'Black Shadow' because he always wear black clothing."

Black clothing? Why does that remind me of someone?

"Can you describe how his appearance?" I was suddenly interested.

"I only saw him once and even that time, he was wearing a black mask so I don't know how he really look." He shrugged nonchalantly.

Black mask?!

"Where do we find him? I need to talk to him!" If I am right, then he's the guy I was looking for.

"Miss, weren't you listening? I told you I only saw him once and that was when he told me to pay you back and gave me the money. I don't even know how and where to find him. He appears like the wind and leave like the wind."


"Miss, what are you thinking about?" Xiao Yu asked when she saw me sitting in daze.

I looked up to her and pulled her down to sit beside me.

"Where's Ming Shu?"

"Miss, she went to fetch your dinner," Xiao Yu answered, "but why do you look like you have a problem?"

Problem? I hope it doesn't turn out to be one.

"Not really, I was just thinking of what I should do tomorrow." I lied.

When I left the marketplace, I told Yu Lang to come find me in the Bai Household if he heard of any news about his master's whereabouts. After hearing the surname Bai, Yu Lang reddened in fright but I assured him that I would not punish him. I also left him the bank notes as he needs it more than I do. It also wouldn't be right to take the money when I only lost a thousand tael and I am still indebted to his master.

It's still not confirmed whether his master is the masked man I was looking for or not but my instincts is telling me it is him.

"Xiao Yu..."

"Yes, Miss?"

"Do you know anything about the man called 'Dark Shadow'?"

Xiao Yu shook his head.

Just then, Ming Shu entered the room carrying the food tray. She carefully placed the small bowl of food in front of me and helped me wash my hands.

"Miss, I heard you mention the name 'Dark Shadow' earlier..." Ming Shu spoke.

I looked at her and nodded.

"I met him before..."

Another World: Book IDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora