Chapter Forty Three

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"Miss, did something happen? Ever since the day you came back with the master, you've been acting weird." Xiao Yu asked.

Instead of answering her, I was focused on Ning Ai's child who was comfortably sleeping in my arms. I gently uncurled his tiny fingers that were balled into a fist.

"Isn't he an angel?" I murmured to myself.

"Miss, don't worry. Soon, you'll have your own children and they'll be very adorable and cute and fluffy!" Xiao Yu happily stated.

My mouth suddenly turned sour hearing Xiao Yu talking animatedly about the kids she would soon take care of. Her excitement made me feel terrible.

"Barren... Womb..."

Ming Shu's voice echoed inside my head.

"Xiao Yu, I wish I could bear a child..." I bitterly smiled.

"Of course, you will Miss! Master should do a better job so we can have young misses and young masters running around the manor!"

The problem is in me...

I quickly wiped the tear that fell from the corner of my eyes.

"Take Lei to Ning Ai," I handed the child to Xiao Yu, "I'm going back to my chambers."

I walked back to my room, closed the windows, locked the door and laid on the bed. I curled into a ball and clutched my stomach.

A sharp pang struck me knowing that I may not be able to have a child. My dream of raising a family together with Chen Mu seemed so distant.

What did I do to deserve this?

My chest tightened and my sobs were caught in my throat.

The memory of Ming Shu haunted me as I felt nothing but anger towards her. The pity and sympathy I once had for her completely vanished, smashed into nothingness.

A knock came from my door. I pulled up the blanket upwards, covering my entire body and head.

"I'm sleeping. Don't disturb me!" I shouted at whoever was behind the door.

The knocking ceased for a moment then the door swung open. I sat and turned towards the person who was standing on the entrance of my room.

I wasn't at my best mood as I yelled, "I said, I'm going to sleep! What can't you understand abou-"

I stopped when I saw that the person approaching me was Chen Mu.

"What are you doing here?" I laid back on the bed and covered myself with the blanket, trying to hide my tear-stained cheeks and my puffy eyes.

"Xiao Yu told me you didn't eat breakfast." Chen Mu said. I felt the bed dip so I knew he was sitting beside me.

"Not hungry."

"Lunch, too."

"Not hungry."

The room was enveloped in silence. A minute later, my bed cover was lifted and I heard the flipping of a book. Curious, I carefully peeked behind my blanket wanting to see what Chen Mu was doing.

My eyes widened and a surprised gasp escaped my mouth. Chen Mu was holding the book which I was secretly hiding beneath my bed, the book that Ning Ai has given me before.

I quickly sat up and tried to grab the book from Chen Mu's hold but he easily dodged my hands. I once again attempted to grab the book but I still couldn't reach it so I pushed him back to the bed and climbed over him, my knees on both his side.

I let out a sigh of relief when I was able to snatch the book. I was about to climb off him but he had his grip on my waist, pulling me down to sit on his tummy.

I cleared my throat and awkwardly stared at the wall, not wanting to meet his eyes as to hide the redness in my face, "Let me go. I'm heavy."

"In one condition." Chen Mu offered.

I looked down and was met by his mischievous eyes and the teasing smirk painted on his lips.

"What?" I swallowed the imaginary lump that grew inside my throat.

"Read that to me." His eyes drifted to the book which I was holding tightly.

I gritted my teeth and repeatedly hit his chest with the book.

You dare tease me!

His hold on my waist loosened as he blocked my attack with one hand and the other hand pushed me back to the bed. This time our position changed. He was the one on top of me and I was beneath him.

"Burn the book."

I gripped the book tighter to my chest like it was my most prized possession and shook my head in defiance, "No."

"You don't need it," his face came closer to mine, "I can always show you the real thing."

He was so dangerously near me that I can feel his breath on my skin, tickling every single one of my pores. His eyes were burning in desire, penetrating through my crumbling defense.

"Barren... Womb..."

With the sudden burst of energy, I pushed off Chen Mu and he landed beside me. He didn't seem to mind as he lifted my head, gently placed it against his chest and wrapped me with his arms.

The sound of his heart beat calmed me as I muttered a faint apology, "I'm sorry."

He didn't answer but his warm emrace was enough to assure me that he wasn't angry at me.

"Mu Mu.."


I took a deep breath.

"If I can't give you a child, then it's okay for me if you have a concubine."

I've been thinking about it since we came back and I think its the only way. As a prince, Chen Mu is expected to have his heirs. If I, his wife, can't give him that then its understandable if he takes a concubine who could give him that. To be honest, the idea doesn't sit well with me but what other choice do I have? If I don't give Chen Mu an heir, the only thing left for me is the annulment of our marriage. If that happens, I'll bring shame to the Bai Family and I'll lose Chen Mu.

"Is it okay with you?"

Of course not!

I bit my lower lip to hold back the tears that were threatening to spill out. I wanted to punch Chen Mu for easily agreeing but I was the one who suggested it.

"Yes." I muttered.

Chen Mu pushed me forward so we can face each other.

"Then it's not okay with me." He said.

I blinked my eyes, "what's not okay with you?"

I've heard what he said but I just want to reassure myself.

"I will not take a concubine."

"But what about your heir? Your mother keeps reminding us of her grandchildren..."

"Mother can wait."

"Chen Mu, I wouldn't be greedy so acce-"

"No concubines." He said as he held my cheeks with both his hands, "You're more than enough."

Why are you so cheesy?

But I like it.

I cried, not caring if I looked ugly.

"We'll find a way," He sealed my lips with a new hope.

"So tell me, did you enjoy reading The Naughty Adventures of the First Princess?"

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