Chapter Ten

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Ming Shu's parents died when she was just an infant. She was taken in by her grandmother but when she turned seven, the only relative who actually cared for her also died. Since then, she was left to tend for her own self.

While working as an errand girl for a small eatery, the Dark Shadow's men captured her. They taught her how to steal and even made her an accomplice in kidnapping other street children.

When they don't meet the quota set by the group, they will be flogged with a thick piece of wood. The worst punishment is being raped and killed. Ming Shu grew up in this kind of environment and she was sick of it.

Many had tried to escape but they either end up as food for the fishes in the river or fertilizer to the woods. Only a few successfully broke free and one of them was Ming Shu.

The Dark Shadow and his men were camping in the forest and were celebrating after a triumphant raid when Ming Shu along with other girls were brought to the occasion. Ming Shu knew something bad was going to happen especially when they escorted her inside the Dark Shadow's tent. That's where he saw the man behind the name "Dark Shadow."

The big man was wearing an all black outfit with a mask hiding half of his lower face but it didn't hide the lascivious grin that he had. Upon seeing Ming Shu, he swayed his way towards her and forcefully tried to undress her. When Ming Shu pushed him away, he slapped her causing Ming Shu to fall on the ground. Then he gripped her arm tightly and pulled her up again. This time, Ming Shu took out the hidden knife on her waist and shoved it into stomach. The man didn't notice at at first as he was heavily intoxicated but he felt his knees weaken and fell backwards. Ming Shu fled out of the tent leaving the bleeding man behind. Luckily, no one seemed to notice the commotion that happened as everyone were either drunk or busy with the merrymaking.

She ran and ran, never looking back. And that's when we found her.

According to Ming Shu, the Dark Shadow is the leader of an organized group of criminals. A group of bad people striking fear into the heart of the poor citizens of the empire.

If what Ming Shu said is true, then is Yu Lang also a part of that group? Is this the reason why Yu Lang easily handed me a banknote worth a million taels?

Back at the marketplace, if I kept pestering Yu Lang to bring me to his master, would I suffer the same fate as Ming Shu?

Just thinking about it gives me the chills, not the good one.

I need to avoid the Dark Shadow and Yu Lang. Everything will be fine.

I comforted myself.

Then I remembered how Yu Lang told me that his master seem to know me. I even entrusted Yu Lang my own identity and told him that he could come find me at the Bai Household.

Did I just bring trouble to my own self?

I couldn't help but sigh.

I just hope that the Dark Shadow is afraid of crossing General Bai.

I sighed once again.

Beside respect for my father, many also fear him. He led plenty of successful battles and even helped the Emperor to rise to power. That's why no one dares to cause trouble for the Bai's.

I guess I just have to use my father's name if they ever come for me. I'm truly grateful I was born in a noble household. Thank you father for keeping the Bai Family safe.

But why do I feel like the man I met at the marketplace is not the same man Ming Shu was talking about?

Ahh, I must be going crazy.

Its frustrating how I, the author of this entire madness, is being kept in the dark. Different characters which I don't remember writing about keeps popping out of nowhere. The things that were supposed to happen didn't happen and instead, made things more complicated.

Ahh, can't I just live a peaceful life?


"Miss, a young boy is looking for you. He said he has something important to tell Miss." Xiao Yu announced as she entered my courtyard.

I nearly choked on the osmanthus jelly I was eating.

"Did... Did he say his name?"

"Miss, he said his name is Yu Lang. Do you know him?" Xiao Yu asked as she poured me a cup of water.

Should I pretend to be ill or should I say I'm not in the household?

Ahh, what is he doing here?!

Well, I told him to come see me so I can't really blame him. Can I?

"Where is he?"

"Miss, he's in the receiving room. Will you go see him?" Xiao Yu asked and I nodded in response.

I hope Yu Lang is smart enough not to cause trouble inside my own territory.

I like Yu Lang. He seems like a good kid. Though he stole from me once, I'm sure that his circumstances in life is the one pushing him to do bad things.

We made our way to the receiving room. I told Xiao Yu and the other maids to wait for me outside. I entered the room alone and saw Yu Lang enjoying the plate of crispy peanut dumplings.

When he saw me, he immediately stood up and bowed his head.

"This commoner greets Miss Bai Fan!" He said in a loud voice and I couldn't help but smile.

"What brought you here?" I dismissed him and sat on the cushioned chair just opposite of him.

"Miss, my master is back!" He exclaimed in excitement while stuffing himself with the dessert.

Just hearing the word "master" gave me an uncomfortable feeling. Everything Ming Shu told me keeps replaying in my head.

"Yu Lang..."

"Yes miss?" Yu Lang lift his head and put down the dumpling on his hand when he noticed my pale face, "are you not feeling well, Miss?"

"Would you want to leave your master and serve me instead?" I ignored his question and gave him my own question.

Like Ming Shu, wouldn't it be good to give Yu Lang another chance at life?


"I am serious..."

"I thank Miss for her offer but my master is kind and treats me well," Yu Lang laughed and continued, "Miss told me to come here when I have news about my master. My master is back and will be spending a few days here before leaving again."

His master is kind and treats him well?

Are we talking about the same person?

I furrowed my brows.

"Your master is the Dark Shadow, am I right?" I needed to make sure I didn't misheard him last time.

He nodded and I felt my heart drop.

"I'll be leaving then, Miss. Thank you for the delicious food!"

That's it?

No kidnapping me?

Or anything?

"And oh," Yu Lang roamed his eyes around the room, checking if there's other people, before nearing me and whispered, "My master said he might come visit you in the following days."

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