Chapter Nine

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Katie dressed in a short black dress and looked over briefly at Linette in the passenger seat of the car. She could hear her reciting her anxiety exercises under her breath.

"Everything will be okay," Katie said. "I'll never leave your side. You won't have to be anywhere near him."

"Thank you for always doing this Katie. I just I don't know how I'd get by without you."

"You're strong Lin. Just believe in yourself."

She saw Linette clasp onto her stomach as they parked in front of her grandmother's house. Today was a family dinner and her entire family would be there. Including her wretched uncle. Katie crossed to the other side of her car and helped her out of the car. She placed her hands-on Linette's shoulders.

"Remember he cannot and will not hurt you. I won't let him."

Linette gave Katie a small smile. She knew that it was heavily forced, but appreciated the attempt. Katie looped her arm around Linette's and started towards the door. Katie taking the initiative to knock.

"Hello darling's. Always nice to see you Katie," Lin's grandmother greeted warmly.

"You too Grandma Doxie," Katie said exchanging an embrace and then making room for Lin to do so. They made their way inside. As usual the entire place was packed with people. At least once a month Linette's grandmother threw these ridiculously crowded gatherings. Katie and Linette made their way into the kitchen and started to snack on some of the cookies Grandma Doxie set out.

As usual Linette's eyes darted around every square foot of the place. Torturing herself until she landed her eyes on her uncle. Her uncle was 57 now, overweight and had a terribly inappropriate sense of humor. Linette shot Katie a look. It was the look that let her know she needed to pay attention to where he went, so they wouldn't cross paths. She had become rather good at diverting Linette away from him, but it was still infuriating to her that they allowed him to come to these things after knowing what he did to Lin.

Katie saw her uncle crossing towards the kitchen. She grabbed Linette's arm and shoved her into the bathroom that was right off the kitchen. Her uncle Harvey glanced over at Katie and she felt her stomach turn. He looked over her and walked away. She felt sick. She chose not to tell Linette about the look.

"He's gone," Katie whispered against the door.

"Thanks Katie," Lin said embracing her.


When Grandma Doxie ran the literal dinner bell. Katie and Linette planned their seating around her uncle. When he sat down they sat at the opposite end of the table. Katie on the side closer to her uncle. Katie wasn't religious, but they were. She always closed her eyes and pretended to pray alongside with them. When they concluded the gossip began. Katie and Linette usually kept quiet during this segment of dinner and excused themselves from the conversation by stuffing their faces.

"If you ask me." The sound of Linette's uncle's voice caused Katie to shiver. She put a hand on Linette's knee. "Girls need to dress more respectable. They cannot walk around in these short skirts and dresses and not expect us to stare."

Katie wasn't sure what came over her. Maybe it had to do with the bullies. She knew it likely did, but she felt her head become hot and her hand clutching. She saw Linette jump when she spoke up.

"Or maybe you could stop objectifying woman and be courteous keeping your eyes and hands to yourself."

Several members of Linette's family gaped at her, but she didn't care. She was livid. It was about time someone said something.

"Really? Says the girl in the short black dress," her uncle challenged.

"Figures you would notice what me, an underage girl was wearing. I guess that's your thing."

"Katie!" Linette exclaimed.

"I don't know what you're getting at little lady, but-."

"You shut your mouth," Katie said, now standing. She was furious. She couldn't believe she was doing this. "You know what you did. You're a disgusting excuse for a man. You dare call me out as if I'm a slut or something. I've been with the same guy for three years. Though we all know you don't understand what it means to be loyal to someone or respectable to family."

Katie grabbed Linette's hand and excused them both from the table. She knew she overstepped, but after all these dinners. After listening to Linette's uncle objectify and say terrible things about woman enough was enough. Annie was right this wasn't their fault. Katie understood what Linette was going through more than ever now. She couldn't believe she never said anything before. Grandma Doxie came out as they were putting on their jackets.

"I'm sorry for interrupting your dinner," Katie said. "As always I thank you for inviting me."

She nodded at Katie and then turned to Linette and embraced her. "I'm sorry," Grandma Doxie said to Linette. "I believe you. I wish I could do more, but what can an old woman do? You and I, Linette aren't as brave. We could all use a Katie."

Katie smiled and nodded. Linette followed her out and they silently walked to the car. When they got in, Katie took a deep breath ready to pour out the apologies, but Linette embraced her.

"Thank you," she said whispering. "You said what I always wish I could."

"I love you Lin."

"I love you too, Katie."

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