Chapter Sixteen

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Christian woke up that morning after what was a restless and awful night. He couldn't get the images out of his mind. He could see her on the floor, the fear that was in her eyes. She called out to him. She asked him to help her, but if it wasn't for him-. No, he couldn't think like that. She was brought to him for a reason. She was the key. He needed to save her. She saved him. She was to save him. She would save him. He grabbed both sides of his head, feeling the pressure against his brain. He could feel the tears welling up inside of him, but he refused to be weak. No, he couldn't cry. Only freaks cried. Only weak people cried. Except, she cried. His heart pumped and his temples pulsated from the pain of trying to understand anything. He felt his body shaking. Weak. That's all you are. You're weak! He thought of her. She looked so cute, and the way her skirt moved up her leg that day on the steps of the school. He could feel his heart pumping rapidly. His mouth dried and he could feel her affecting him again. Why did she have this hold on him? What did any of it mean? He had to protect her. He couldn't let them do this to her again. The fear in her eyes. The scream of his name. He stood up and threw his hands out from his head, his entire body trembling. You cannot be weak. She needs you to save her. You must save her. He paced his room. He swallowed his words and he tried to make sense of it. He tried to make sense of everything. They wouldn't leave him alone. She came. They wouldn't leave her alone. He didn't understand. Why? He clenched and released his hand so many times he felt his joints ache. He licked his lips and took several breaths. He could hear his parents downstairs rushing about and getting ready for work. He clenched his fist. His parents were good for nothings. All they did was work and pester him. They pestered him to feel something other than the thoughts that screamed inside his mind. All he could feel was the need to protect her. He needed to be strong. He needed to be stronger than them. She needed him. She called to him.

His jaw clenched. He watched from the window as his parents left. He stared out the window until their car was gone, and awhile afterward. He needed to protect her. He crossed down the hallway into his parent's room and went into their closet. He knelt and turned the safe. His hands wrapped around the gun as he pulled it closer to him. He took a deep breath and stood up. He walked forward and looked in the mirror his parents had in their closet. He smiled. He knew exactly what he needed to do. He loaded the gun, and grabbed the extra bullets.

He walked into his room, using the strap of the gun to tuck it under his arm, using a jacket to hide it with. He loved the way it felt against his body. He felt strong. He felt like he could save her. The ridicule could be over and she would look at him the way she did when he stopped them from hurting her. She'd look at him again. He felt his lip quiver and felt her effecting him again. He wanted to taste her so badly. He wanted that skirt to hitch up just a few inches more. He wanted her. He caught his breath and ran to his car. He was eager. He was ready for this torture to be over. The rear-view mirror revealed the black eye around his right eye, a swollen lip and a look of determination.

When he parked he saw he was late and a sudden realization came over him. He knew where Daves would be, but she'd be there too. He reached for his phone.


He hit send. He didn't wait for a reply. He threw the phone on the passenger seat and got out of the car. When the passing bell rang he felt a smile come on his face. He walked into the school, suddenly feeling so much taller than the rest. He knew they were beneath him. Such insignificant people. Insignificant bystanders who watched as he was beaten and watched as Katie, his sweet Katie was tortured. He couldn't stand to hear their laughter. His face twitched. He couldn't stand any of it. He couldn't stand their smiles. He threw his jacket off and cocked the gun. They screamed and he felt a laughter boiling up in the pit of his stomach, ready to escape his mouth. He raised it and let the bullets fly. They scattered around like ants, not knowing where to go, looking desperately for safety, but there wasn't any. Just as he never had. Just as he had to undergo such painful trips from class-to-class now so would they. He continued to walk towards where Daves would be. He smiled at the sounds of their screams, at the sound of pain as the bullets struck them, and at the sound of anguish as they screamed over those he hit. He stepped through the blood of his victims and through the graveyard of his fears. He was no longer afraid.

It was then he saw him. Fear was in his eyes and Christian loved every ounce of it. He laughed and pointed the gun. Daves froze. He knew there was no escape. There was no direction to run. He tried to plead, but Christian didn't hear a sound, except the echo of the bullet that he sent straight through Daves. One, two and who knows how many until he fell to the floor the light leaving him. Christian jerked around and fired more bullets, hearing the chaos behind him, but this shot he fired too quickly. His finger pulled the trigger and then he saw her. He stopped. He saw her body jerk backwards and her hand go to her chest. Blood soon encased it. He lost grip of the gun, letting it drop to the floor. The moment of power had ended. His reign was over. He watched as the girl he so desperately wanted to save collapsed into a puddle of her own blood. He took a step, trying to move towards her, but fell to the ground. A body on top of him. Soon several more joined and he knew it was over, but his eyes never moved from her. The still, white corpse that laid in front of him. The beautiful girl he so desperately wanted to save was now the victim of his own hands.

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