Chapter Twenty-Four

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Christian watched as the bullet went flying, and he couldn't even speak fast enough to warn her. He saw her fall to the ground. He wanted to run to her, to hold her to apologize and tell her it was a mistake, but he was tackled to the ground. He didn't care that he was caught, what he cared about was the fact that the very girl he wanted to protect was hit with his bullet and by the stillness of her chest, didn't make it. He felt the weight on him become heavy and he saw a girl crawl over to Katie. He couldn't get a good image, but could hear her sobs. Weak, he thought. Something he couldn't afford to be. It wasn't much later that he was picked off the floor and the cold handcuffs rubbed against his wrists. He didn't respond, or remove his eyes from Katie's body until she was no longer in sight. He walked cooperatively to the cop car and watched as they walked away after putting him inside.

His mind traveled to thoughts of her. He sent her a message, did she not read it? Did she not listen? He couldn't understand why she wouldn't read his message or choose to ignore it. Why was she there? Why did he not look where he was shooting? He wanted to cry, but he knew he couldn't. Men couldn't cry, he couldn't cry. A loud bash against the window. He saw a man, who was weak. Tears in his eyes screaming at him.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH! YOU TOOK HER FROM ME! YOU TOOK HER YOU SICK TWISTED SON OF A BITCH. I'LL KILL YOU. I'LL KILL YOU!" He watched as the cops grabbed him, but the guy was determined, he tried to get through their grasp. "I LOVED HER AND YOU TOOK HER FROM ME. YOU TOOK MY KATIE!"

The guy was tackled and fell to the ground and Christian felt his heart stop. Katie loved another, another who he just took her from. He heard her mention to Daves that she wasn't single, but he thought it was more of a diversion so he'd leave her alone, but instead she was with him. Christian grimaced at the thought of her with such a weak man. After he met her he refused to be weak. She told him that strong men cried, but the sympathy and pity in her eyes made him realize otherwise. The look she gave him when he protected her caused his mouth to dry. He closed his eyes and thought of her on the ground. Daves trying to pry her legs opened, he had caught a glimpse of her panties under her skirt and he wanted her so badly. He chewed his lip at the thought. His heart sank again, the reality that he could never have her, the reality he could never be with her started to come to light. He killed her. He killed his Katie.


When he was told he had a visitor he was surprised, but honestly, more amused. He walked out expecting the weak man, but was surprised to see a brown-haired girl waiting for him. He sat down and looked her over, trying to understand who she was, he picked up the phone.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"I'm Linette. I came because I needed to know why. Why you took her from me." She shoved the pictures on the glass. "Katie was my best friend and you killed her."

Christian looked at the pictures and felt his breath catch. Katie, she kept coming back to haunt him. His heart was heavy, but he knew better than to show emotion. It took all the resistance he had not to cry. His body ached, and he had suffered beating and beating since being here and all he could think about was her. He admired the way she looked in the photographs and felt his heart crack when she took them down. He looked at her.

"The only person I aimed at was Daves. The rest were just collateral." He hated referring to Katie as collateral because she was the mistake. She wasn't supposed to be hurt. He sent that message to ensure her safety. She was the only one in the entire school he cared about and now, he killed her.

"So, it means nothing to you that you killed her? Even after what she did for you?"

"She did nothing!" He exclaimed, "she was weak. I warned her, it's her own fault for not listening." His heart cracked. Saying the toxic words made him want to vomit. He couldn't think of Katie like that. He contemplated with her being weak, but ultimately, she just needed him. She needed him and he tried to save her, to protect her and in the end, he was the reason she was dead.

"She wasn't weak. You were."

He noticed her tremble, and he noticed her voice was shaky. He could tell she was trying to be strong, but wasn't. Then suddenly, he remembered her. He remembered her body on top of Katie's. She must've been the one who tackled him. The one he felt get up and saw crawl over to Katie. He looked at her, keeping his eyes steady.

"I did what needed to be done. I'd do it again." He stood up and hung up the phone and gestured for the guards to take him back to his cell.

When he arrived back at his cell. He couldn't be brave anymore. He collapsed and started to cry he memory harassing his mind. Her aurora intoxicating his senses and the thoughts of her skirt swaying, stopping his breath.

"Oh Katie. I'm so sorry," he whispered.


Christian looked around the courtroom. He was sitting on the stand being asked all sorts of questions about intentions and reasons behind the shooting. Christian answered them all. He wasn't going to deny what he did, he didn't care. The only one he cared about was Katie. A man stood up in the audience. Christian looked at him.

"Why did you kill him?" He started. "Why did you kill my son, Alex Sanchez?"

Christian stared at the man. The name rolled in his mind, but he felt nothing. He shrugged. "I have no idea who that is."

He watched as the sad expression on the man's face immediately transformed. Anger pierced through him. Christian saw him raise the gun, he heard the shouts of the audience. Christian smiled and then felt the pressure. He jerked back. He looked around, confused.

Why is everything quiet?

He looked down at his hand, which was clutching to his chest. He saw people coming towards him. His body felt weak.

Why can't I feel my legs?

He saw the man in the audience fall, officers arresting him. He felt hands on him, but couldn't hear a thing.

Why is it so cold?

Suddenly, he put it together. He removed his hand and saw the blood. He took a breath, though it sounded raspy. He felt his eyes shutting and a small smile on his face.

At least I'll be with Katie now...

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