Chapter 4 - Strategic Thinking

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Any thoughts on Emma? And Grey? 



The rest of the maths lesson was a lot like the beginning of it. Grey and I sat in silence, watching everyone around us socialise. I was beginning to get a bit fed up with Grey's attitude. He really held grudges for the pettiest reasons. I decided I was going to do the impossible and talk to Grey Black.

"Uhm..." I mumbled to no one in particular.

Grey turned to face a very anxious me.

"Did you say something?" he boomed, his eyes glaring at the sight of me. I felt the classroom grow dark, his steely gaze sharp and fixated on my own trembling figure.

"I urr..." I mumbled some more as Grey became increasingly irritated. I was trying so hard to speak but the words wouldn't come out, my rational thought was suppressed by fear.

"Speak!" he demanded aggressively, slamming his fingers on the desk as his blue eyes met my own small quivering brown ones.

"Nothing..." I squeaked pathetically before pretending to find a sudden interest in my bland, old pencil case. My fingers fiddled with the broken zip as my eyes tried their hardest to hide their fright.

Grey just cursed under his breath, his eyes wandering to the clock. I followed his gaze, hoping the lesson would be over soon and I could finally be free of this grey cloud hanging over me. I laughed internally, a small smile forming on my lips. Grey the grey cloud. It suited him perfectly.

The clock was my enemy. For some reason only 20 minutes of the lesson had gone past. That meant I had to suffer for 40 more minutes. This was hell.

My eyes flitted to Grey who had lowered his head to the desk and was trying to get some sleep. So much for socialising. Then an idea popped into my head. Maybe Grey Black needed a makeover. What else would I need these pens in my pencil case for?

Slyly, I removed a black felt tip from my pencil case and opened the lid, thinking about what I could draw on the big brute's face. Maybe I could improve his face by doodling a moustache or male genitalia? Or even better: female genitalia! Yes, that really was Grey's style. It was time to take my revenge for his unnecessary rudeness and aggression towards me.

I scanned his eyelids, which were firmly shut, and judged his body to be rising and falling steadily. Thus, I concluded that he was fast asleep.

Cautiously I began to lean forward, my pen gradually edging towards Grey's cheek. Just as my felt tip was about to make a mark on his skin, a large hand thrust itself forward and snatched the pen out of my grasp. Blue eyes snapped open in fury and narrowed at the sight of me.

I quickly jumped back, my back pressed against the wall as Grey Black stood up to face me.

"Just what," he began, his eyes burning with rage, "Do you think you're playing at?"

His hand was plastered on the wall next to me, keeping me against it. I was trembling now, he was so very close with his fists in balls and his facial expression contorted with anger. How would I get out of this one?

Then I did what any normal girl would do in this situation. I leaned forward and kissed him. Our lips met, and I bit his lip harshly, pushing him out the way as he cursed.

'Sorry!' I apologised internally, abandoning my stuff and running out of the classroom. My forehead was covered in a thin sheen of sweat now and my vision was hazy. What had I been thinking? Kissing the aggravated bad boy who I have to sit next to for the next two years? I really was an idiot. Thankfully, I had sprinted far from the classroom and would not have to face him until the next dreaded Maths lesson.

"Emma!" a deep voice called from behind me.

I turned around slowly to see Chris there, who had run after me and was now panting from his sprint.

"Chris." I greeted, confused as to why he was there.

"You have to get back to class or Mrs Jenkins will give you a detention!" he cried out, his green eyes filled with desperation.

Chris didn't seem like a nerd so why did he care so much? I sure as hell didn't. But one thing was certain, I definitely wasn't going back to Maths any time soon.

"No way." I stated, turning around to resume my great escape.

"Emma! You will get suspended! Mrs Jenkins looked you up and you already have a detention. Two detentions equal a suspension..." Chris warned, as I spun round to face him.

Goddamnit, I had forgotten about the stupid school's system. Great, I would have to go back now, to stupid Mrs Jenkins and my worst nightmare, Grey Black.

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