Chapter 41 - Planned Encounter

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Time for the "date!" Are you excited?

Thank you for reading :D

I got to the cinema late, just staring at my phone because Grey wasn't in sight and he hadn't texted me to say he was running late. I didn't have a problem with him being late since this was just a casual outing. I just hated waiting around in public spaces. It was intimidating.

My phone buzzed after thirty seconds of me standing there like a lemon.


Grey's text was obscure and capitalised for no good reason. It also aroused panic within me. Grey would be here, very soon. I was heavily conscious of the way I looked. Dee had lobbed product after product on my face, and I, being the wuss that I was, hadn't dared to look at my reflection. So far, I had received no strange looks from the public, so I assumed I looked decent enough.

"What's up, Emerald?"

Grey was lowering his face so it was level with my own. I was about to back away, repulsed at seeing his features this close, but before I could do so, he blew air with his lips in my direction. I fanned it out of my face, scowling as he burst out into a fit of laughter.

"Pfft. Should've since your face."

The irony there was that I hadn't. Not since I'd let Dee ruin it.

"So, are you ready to watch Little Stars?" Grey asked, as we walked in the direction of the counter to purchase our tickets.

I shrugged. I knew nothing about the film.

Grey looked dissatisfied with my answer. We both stopped walking to wait in a queue.

"You know," he mused, "you can be really robotic sometimes, Emerald. I often wonder if there's actually a human in there."

Grey taps the side of my head and I flinch at the contact, shoving him lightly.

"I wonder how people tolerate you. You're not the infamous super-cool bad boy that the world thinks you are." I countered and Grey pretended to look offended, placing a hand on his chest.

"I really am. And I fit all the cliches." He asserted, prodding a finger in the centre of his chest for emphasis.

"Leather jacket?" I asked.

He removed his backpack, taking out a leather jacket.


Grey lifted his eyebrows in surprise.

"I have one on my buttcheek. Do you want to see?"

I screwed my face up in disgust. What kind of bloody question was that?

Grey was tugging at the hem of his jeans and I shook my head repeatedly, my eyes pleading for him to not do the deed.

"Uh, what about a motorcycle?"

Grey smirked, removing a set of keys from his back pocket.

"How do you think I got here?" He was jingling the keys before my face, and I was beginning to get irritated at the sound they made.

"What about your helmet?" I challenged him further, snatching the keys out of his hands and silencing the annoying sound.

"Trick question. Real men don't wear helmets." Grey crossed his arms over his chest and grinned triumphantly.

"Ok, ok. Fine. You pass. Happy?" I admitted defeat and Grey punched the air, ecstatic at my confession.

"Excuse me? Would you like to buy a ticket?" An impatient voice cut into our discussion and we stepped forward apologetically.

"Two for Little Stars please." Grey responded, before turning to me smugly. "She's paying."

My eyes widened at his audacity. He was going to make me pay? For his ticket? I had half the mind to cut him to little pieces right there and then. Need I remind him that I was doing him a favour by seeing this movie with him?

I composed myself, not willing to make a scene.

"Here." I took out the appropriate cash, mindful of Grey's gaze following my movements.

The cashier gave me the tickets and once we were a good distance from the general public, I released my anger.

"What the hell was that?" I exclaimed, waving the tickets in the air as if they were worthless.

Grey said nothing, his trademark smirk growing larger as I relinquished my fury.

"Look, I came here with you as a favour and you make me pay for your ticket as well as mine? Sorry, but that wasn't part of the deal."

Grey rolled his eyes.

"Just thought I should spice things up a bit. Plus, I was never going to let you pay for it anyway. Look in your purse, I've already put the correct money back in."

It was all there. I looked at Grey, confused.

"Why would you do that then?"

Grey leaned against the wall before leaning forward and flicking my nose.

"Because it's fun to annoy the hell out of you."

I sighed. It wasn't fun for me.

"Come on, the film is going to start."

Grey's hand tugged at my shirt sleeve and I walked forward, wondering what to expect.

"That was the worst movie I have ever watched." I stated, life slowly restoring itself within my body.

"Absolute shit." Grey agreed, scooping up some chocolate icecream in his spoon.

We were currently sitting in an icecream palour near the cinema, eating icecream to regain some sanity.

"You know the part where the first girl hid in the closet?" I began, and Grey started nodding furiously.

"If a serial killer is chasing you, you do not hide. YOU RUN!" Grey cried out passionately, his hatred of the movie really evident through the expressive gestures he used, alongside his words.

"And oh my, when that other girl slept with the serial killer and then asked him-"

"If he was the killer!" We both said in unison, bursting into a fit of uncontrollable laughter.

"Honestly... that movie... was so bad... it was good!" I spoke between giggles and Grey nodded, slowly recovering from hysterics.

"Did you enjoy any of it?" I asked Grey, who nodded, his expression sincere.

"Yeah. You know the part where everything went black and words started appearing?"

"Do you mean the ending credits?"

Grey nodded, smiling.

I couldn't help but laugh at this.

"Emerald, I have a request for you." Grey's tone was serious. His gaze was looming over my face and I felt nervous under it. What was it? What did he want?

"Yeah?" I squeaked out.

"Do you want a ride on my motorcycle?"

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