Chapter 12 - Rumour, A New Enemy

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This chapter is a correct representation of how I feel after a long day. My bed is legitimately my favourite place in the world. 

Thank you for reading! Feel free to comment and vote, if you wish. 



Getting home that day was the best thing ever. I had had a hell of a day, and that was probably an understatement.

Entering my house, I took off my shoes before running into my room and diving headfirst into my yellow bed. Holy crap, the covers felt so soft. After a long, painful day there really was nothing like the sweet comfort of your warm bed. I snuggled under my covers and sighed peacefully as I closed my eyes, wishing for sleep to pass over me. This felt too good to be true. And it was.

A second later my phone started buzzing. My eyes snapped open furiously. Seriously? I couldn't go a minute without an interruption?

I groaned and pulled my phone from my pocket, checking the name of the annoying human that had dragged me from my much-needed slumber. It was Dee. She barely called me out of the blue like this, so I was immediately concerned about this surprise call.

"What's up, Dee?" I spoke into my phone, putting it on loudspeaker. I was much too tired to hold the mobile to my ear, it was a lot of effort.

"Is it true that you're going out with Grey Black!?" she cried out from the other end.

If I had been drinking something I would've spat it out by now.

"What!?" I yelled into the phone, completely shocked by her question. Had word already got out about the incident in detention?

"Rumour has it that the two of you have got together..." Dee explained, as my mouth remained wide open. I hope no flies decide to die in here.

"Who? How? What..." A jumble of words escape my mouth. What is happening right now?

"Apparently you and Grey were making out in detention." Dee stated. I could sense the hurt in her voice. She seriously thought Grey and I were a thing and she was the last one to find out.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Dee interrogated, her tone one of irritation.

"Dee, I'm not going out with Grey! That's utter rubbish-"

"Explain this!" Dee demanded, cutting me off. My phone buzzed, and I saw she had sent me a picture of Grey kissing me. God, who had taken a picture!?

"This guy Victor was trying to hit on me, so I told him Grey was my boyfriend and then Grey kissed me." I quickly justified as Dee sighed.

"I see..." she spoke, before her tone changed. "You know, you and Grey look good together."

I felt physically sick. Had my very best friend just said that? Grey and I were never going to be a thing. N e v e r.

I made a gagging noise as Dee laughed.

"I'm serious, you guys would make a cute coupl-"

I cut her off by hanging up. This was borderline ridiculous. How had someone like me got caught up in drama with Grey Black of all people? He was on a completely different level of cool to me but that's not what bothered me. It was the fact that these sorts of problems were the kind that I used to laugh about. Just what had I become?

My phone buzzed and I saw I had two new messages. One was from Dee and the other was from a suspicious-looking unknown number.

Dee's message was just a middle finger emoji. I chuckled at the sight of it before opening the second message.

Just who was this unknown number?

The text read: Hello Emerald.

My heart stopped. Don't tell me. Had Grey freaking Black got my number? Oh god this was the end of the world.

I held the phone shakily in my hand, looking down at it like a curse. What should I do?

I know you're ignoring me.

Another message came through and I glared at the screen. There was no way I was going to text that jerk back.

Emerald text back!

I swiped at my phone and it fell onto the ground. Stupid mobile.

I eyed my yellow covers. Maybe it was time to get some more sleep. Climbing under the duvet I buried myself deep inside and rested my head on the pillow. Ah, sweet comfort.

And then my phone buzzed. Not once or twice but seven fricking times!

I covered my head with my sunshine-coloured duvet and tried to ignore it. But the vibrations were very loud against the wooden floor of my bedroom. I groaned in anger. What could Grey possibly want?

Reluctantly I got out of my bed, ready to put my mobile on silent mode. I unlocked it to see Grey had spammed me with texts.








So that is what had caused my phone to vibrate incessantly. He had typed my name out. Great. I put my phone on silent mode, turned it off and then threw it to the floor. Now for some sleep.

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