Chapter 48 - Crisis

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I thought I'd double-update today due to my failure to update regularly this week.

So, the prom chapter is finally here! (Well sort of!) Have fun reading it :)

Do let me know what you think, I have no clue if you're enjoying this book or not :D



"You look stunning."

Ruby was standing a metre from me, admiring the makeup and hair she had done for me. I was standing in my prom dress, feeling a little uncomfortable by her scrutinising. The mirror in my room was in the far corner and I hadn't yet seen what I looked like. Ruby, being my sister, was obviously biased. I needed to see myself properly.

I shuffled over towards the mirror, trying my best not to trip over the long-ass dress.

Then I saw myself.

My face was sparsely covered in makeup, a dash of foundation lay beneath a sprinkle of blush that anointed my cheeks. My eyes were outlined with dark black winged eyeliner and my eyelashes had been coated in fine mascara. Lastly, my lips were a dark red, contrasting with the dark blue dress I was wearing.

My hair was in a fishtail plait, with two strands left out to frame my face.

I had to admit, Ruby knew her makeup.

"Thank you so much! I love it!" I cried out, zooming towards Ruby. I wrapped my arms around her in gratitude.

She chuckled before placing her hands on her hips and declaring that she looked hotter at her prom.

I just stuck my tongue out at her and gathered together my stuff for the evening in a clutch.


"Grey's here!" Ruby yelled out excitedly as she raced down the stairs to let my date in.

I tried not to panic but I'd never imagined he would actually turn up. And I hadn't had the time to process what he would say when he saw me, if he said anything at all. My mind was going into overthinking-mode and I could barely breathe. I sat down on my bed and began to take deep breaths.

It's just Grey Black, the idiot who sits next to you in Maths and Spanish.

The same idiot who asked you out on a date.

The same idiot who confessed his drunken feelings to you.

The same idiot who asked you to prom.

The same idiot who denied all of those things meant anything.

I shut my eyes. My thoughts were erupting inside my brain, causing me to grow more and more worried by the second.


Ruby's screaming voice snapped me out of my overflowing bubble of thoughts. I opened my eyes but I couldn't find the courage to stand up.

It was like one of those situations where you see a spider and no matter how hard you try to summon the courage to place a cup over it, or attack it with the nearest heavy object, you can't.

"Emma!" Ruby yelled yet again. I heard her sigh in frustration. She then spoke to Grey for a bit before I heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

"Ruby, just give me a min-" I started to speak but it wasn't Ruby who had entered my bedroom.

It was Grey and he looked amazing. He was wearing a black blazer and dark jeans. Under his blazer was a shirt and a navy tie. The navy of my dress matched it perfectly.

His eyes roamed over me, growing wide before he looked away, noticing the worry in my eyes. Immediately, he sat down next to me.

"What's wrong?" He was studying me intently, his blue eyes piercing through my face without mercy. I looked away, ashamed that he had seen me like this.

"I'm just feeling a little sick." I lied, rubbing my stomach as if I had cramps.

Grey nodded, before standing up.

"I'll just go and get you some painkillers. Do you need anything else? A backrub? Some food? Water?" He attacked me with questions and I was grateful for his concern. I suddenly felt guilty for lying to him. It wasn't a complete lie though. I was indeed feeling sick, just not physically.

I told him painkillers were fine. I wasn't going to take them though, I didn't need them.

Footsteps entered my room again.

"Thanks Grey-" I began, but this time it wasn't Grey.

Ruby was towering over me, a furious look on her face. She shut the door behind her and began to speak loudly and angrily.

"Why did you ask Grey for painkillers? Your period was last week! Emma, you shouldn't take painkillers unless you need them. Are you trying to make yourself unwell?"

I bowed my head.

"I had to make something up. Ruby, I'm still worried about going to prom because I don't think Grey gives a shit about me."

Ruby shook her head.

"Look Emma, we've been through this. The second anything goes wrong, you call me or get Dee to and I will haul you out of there and teach him a lesson."

"Don't let one guy stop you from having a good time."

She had a point.

"Ok." I stood up, brushing myself down and raising my head. "I'll go."

I still felt a little bit uncertain, but I knew I could count on Ruby. I just hope this evening will be worth it.

I headed down the stairs and saw Grey standing at the foot of it. He was smiling softly and this put me at ease. It was nice to know he wasn't utterly repulsed by my appearance.

"Hello." I greeted him shyly once I had got to the bottom of the stairs.

Grey placed his arm out, beckoning for me to loop it through his.

"Your carriage awaits m'lady."

I chuckled at his chivalrous behaviour.

"Ahem!" Ruby cleared her throat from behind us and we spun around in surprise.

"Don't think you can leave without me taking some pictures!"

She took out her camera and Grey and I posed several times. By the end of her million shots, we were making ugly faces to spite her.

"Ok, you're free to go, you pair of rats!" Ruby hissed and when Grey had turned around, she gave me a quick smile and a wink.

"Have fun." She mouthed. I nodded and stepped out of the door with Grey.

"I borrowed my brother's car for today. I didn't think you'd want to come to prom on a motorbike." Grey admitted, gesturing to the car in front of us.

It was a Ferrari. A goddamn Ferrari. I could barely breathe. I was more excited to get inside the car than go to prom or get married or anything else that I had to look forward to in life.

"Oh my god!" I exclaimed, running towards it and putting my hands all over its beautiful exterior. It felt so smooth and gorgeous.

"Emerald, you ok there?"

I backed up from the car guiltily. I had forgotten it wasn't my Ferrari to touch.

"I'm sorry! I couldn't help myself."

Grey smirked.

"You should say that more often." He commented before getting inside the Ferrari and unlocking my side.

I rolled my eyes at his words but my face was heating up. Hopefully it would blend in with the redness of the Ferrari.

"Are you ready to go?" Grey asked me, as he turned the key in the ignition.

I nodded and we were off, faster than the speed of light.

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