Chapter 14 - Continual Violation

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This chapter will feature confrontation and a lot of anger. Equip yourself with popcorn so you can fully enjoy it! 

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"What the hell was that?" I yelled angrily. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, continuing my rant. "You do realise the fake boyfriend thing was only to get me out of the Victor situation, right?"

Grey shrugged and his eyes glinted evilly.

" I don't care. You started a war Emerald. A war you're going to lose." He challenged, leaning down so he could speak into my ear.

I narrowed my eyes.

"Well I am going to go in there right now and tell everyone that you're lying!" I declared, slapping a hand on my thigh decisively.

Grey just laughed.

"Oh my gosh, it's Grey and Emma! Aren't they adorable!" A voice from behind us cooed. I spun around angrily, glaring at the blue haired girl who had been gossiping about us. She looked afraid and quickly scampered off with her friend.

"You're too late, Emerald." Grey told me, giving me a feigned look of pity. Why was he doing this?

"I don't understand. What do you gain from pretending to be my boyfriend?" I confronted him, placing a hand on my hip and leaning forward.

Grey smirked.

"Entertainment." he responded, flicking my nose.

Then he disappeared, leaving me in the corridor, speechless.

Following that incident, I went back to my desk and saw Dee looking at me suspiciously, a determined expression ingrained on her face.

"Emma, what was all that about? Because that sure as hell didn't look like some trick." she interrogated, her eyes glued to mine. Seriously, did she believe a word of that?

"Dee, can't you see what's actually happening here?" I ask her, my voice strained and tone urgent. I swear to god, if she has misunderstood this I will punch Grey where the sun doesn't shine the next time I have to see his ugly face.

Dee's face, a mixture of confusion and hurt, said it all.

"You and Grey are going out and the whole school knows, but you are too proud to tell your best friend?" she guessed with a bitter tone to her voice, as my eyes grew in size. Did she seriously think that?

"Of course not! Dee, he's still playing along with the whole fake boyfriend thing. I tried to tell him it was only to get out of the Victor situation, but now that he knows it annoys me, he is purposefully elongating my struggles." I told her, frustration laced in my voice.

Dee seemed unconvinced but went along with it.

"Why? What have you even done to the guy?"

It was as if she could read my thoughts. Literally, I knew the answer to none of those questions.

"I don't know!" I exclaimed, tugging at my hair with my fingers.

Dee gave me a sympathetic look but before we could continue the conversation, registration began.


I got to English to see Lottie sitting there waiting for me with a smile on her face.

"Hey Emma! I have something for you!" She shouted from across the room as I started to walk towards our desk.

I sat down and faced her curiously. What could she possibly have got for me and why?

Lottie's green eyes flashed with joy as she presented me with a box of chocolates. Her eyes met mine and she gave me a look to say that I could take them. I didn't do this but sat there, confused.

"Why did you get me chocolates, Lottie?" I queried politely, arching an eyebrow in confusion.

Lottie mirrored my expression. It was as if she expected me to understand the reason for her very unexpected gift.

"You're going out with Grey Black, right? I got this to say congratulations!" She explained, pleased with herself and eager for me to receive her gift.

I shut my eyes momentarily, deliberating which was more important here: the truth or very delicious looking Belgian chocolates. It had to be the chocolates, obviously! Great, it was time to put on the fakest act possible.

I opened my eyes a second later and gave Lottie a huge smile. It was surprisingly genuine, not because I wanted to pretend to be in a relationship with Grey but due to my craving for chocolate.

"Awww thank you Lottie!" I cried out happily, giving her a small embrace. She hugged me back and pushed the chocolates into my hand.

"Now you can celebrate by sharing these with Grey," she declared, the smile on her face never leaving.

My eyes darkened at her statement. Sharing chocolates? She wanted me to share my chocolates?

Lottie noticed my sudden mood swing and waved a hand over my face.

"You ok there Emma?"

I looked up with a fake smile.

"Just because we're together doesn't mean we need to share. Grey loves me too much to ask me for what's rightfully mine." I told her as she nodded slowly.

I took a second to acknowledge what I had just said. Did I actually say that Grey loved me!? Oh my god, I am going to be sick.

"You look kinda pale, Emma..." Lottie commented, observing my face with a worried look.

I held back my urge to vomit as the teacher entered and I hid my chocolates. No one would confiscate these babies, not over my dead body.

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