Chapter 30 - Conflict

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Happy Friday! Hope you enjoy this update :)

Whatever will Emma do?



Dee was currently whacking my arm with her Maths textbook, following my late notice about the whole Victor dilemma. There was some poetic justice to this action, Maths was still doing damage to my wellbeing, even outside the classroom. 

"Emma! How. Could. You. Keep. This. From. Me!" She cried out between smacks, and I felt my arm getting sore. Dee was a lot stronger than she realised.

"Ouch, I'm sorry, ok?" I apologise, cradling my right arm with my left hand. 

Dee stopped, apologising for her excessive violence.

"I just think that you have been keeping things from me a lot recently." She looked sad at this realisation and I felt guilty for making her feel this way. 

"I'm sorry. I guess I've been pretty distracted recently." 

Dee shook her head.

"Don't worry. Now carry on. What did you say you were planning to tell Victor?" 

I thought about the advice Grey had given me.

"Well, Grey said that I ought to compromis-" My response was interrupted when the textbook came down on my left arm this time, causing a loud smack to resonate in the air.

"YOU CONFIDED IN GREY BLACK?" Dee yelled incredulously, her eyes and mouth wide open.

I placed a hand on my face. Whoops. I should not have mentioned Grey. My mistake. 

"He forced it out of me." I half-lied, but Dee was beginning to get fed up. 

"Save your excuses and tell me the plan." She stated tonelessly. I had to make things up with her once the Victor situation was resolved. 

And so, once I had Dee's attention, I explained what I was going to do. 


I got out my phone and texted Victor, trying to tone down the seriousness of what I wanted to discuss. 

Hey Victor, do you think you could meet me at the usual cafe after school today? I would like to talk to you about something important.

Pressing send, I squeezed my eyes tight. Hopefully he wouldn't freak out and think I was breaking up with him or something. 

"Making a wish, are we?"

My eyes snapped open at the sudden snarky comment that my ears picked up.

"Damn it, I asked for a puppy, not a pussy, damn Autocorrect!" I exclaimed in falsified annoyance, throwing my hands up in the air. 

Grey let out a low chuckle.

"We're having a face-to-face conversation, that isn't possible." He pointed out, but I wasn't ready to give up yet.

"Actually, I wasn't making a wish, so your point is invalid." I affirmed, giving him triumphant smile. 

"No, no. You were fantasising about me." Grey retorted, a devilish smirk on his stupid face.

"Why the hell would I do that? The only fantasy I have about you is your murder." I replied, jabbing his chest with a finger.

Grey gave me a look that spelt trouble. I had said something, potentially just a slip of the tongue, that he would hook onto to get the better of me.

"So you do have at least one fantasy about me?"

I felt my face grow hot.

"Murdering you isn't really a fantasy, it's more like a wish-"

I realised what I had said too late.

"So you were wishing for me then?" Grey butted in confidently, a smirk forming on his lips.

"Even if you wished to murder me, it would still require a) a wish and b) me," he continued, using his fingers to count off the two aforementioned elements in murdering him.

I was mad, fire rising in my chest as I prepared to fight back. But Grey Black got there first.

"So, bottom line, you made a wish for me to appear and therefore what I said was 110% correct. Black - one, Redbourne - zero."

"Damn you." I groaned, lacking the mental capacity to deal with his crap.

"So what's the deal, then? Why did you rub the lantern, Aladdin?" His gaze landed on my phone and the message I had sent to Victor.

"I'm going to talk to Victor today."

Grey leaned back on the locker near us.

"Good luck, I hope it works out." He stated, his eyes trailing to the floor.

Grey's behaviour seemed a little bit unnatural. I took a second to observe him before questioning it.

"What's wrong with you?" I felt the urge to take back my words once I'd said them. They had come out a lot blunter than expected.

I then thought about the way he had acted at the party. I had waved at him but he looked away. What had that been about?

"You were acting weirdly at the party too..." I thought aloud and Grey stayed silent. That was a phrase I never thought I'd use. The guy was constantly running his mouth about something.

"It's nothing." He briefly replied, standing up straight and walking away.

My eyes followed his retreating figure, considering pursuing him to find out more. But he clearly didn't seem avid to share his thoughts, so I left it.

I looked back at my phone. Victor had replied.

Sure. See you there.

It was time to confront him.

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