Chapter 42 - New Experiences

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Friday is nearly upon us!



I said yes, despite the fact that I was completely terrified. Motorcycles were like cars without an enclosure to me, and the chance of me being harmed was definitely doubled due to it. Anything could happen. But I wanted to try it out. Who knows? I might enjoy it.

Grey hopped onto the motorcycle, urging me to climb on behind him and wrap my arms around his front. I didn't particularly want to, so my arms circled his torso loosely, my body a few inches from his. I needed my personal space!

Grey looked back at me over his shoulder.

"You're going to need to hold me tighter, unless you want to fall off." He warned and I tightened my grip a little, unwilling to cling onto him as if I was a python strangling its prey to death. An image of Heidi came to mind.

"Just you wait." Grey spoke quietly, as his motorcycle came to life, its engine roaring in the silence of the night.

Before I knew it, I was flung forward, my body flush against Grey's due to the driving force of the motorcycle. The road was a series of lights and large vehicles (everything seemed large compared to a motorcycle) and I was scared to death that I was going to fall off. Instinct compelled me to grip onto Grey like my life depended on it. I had to survive this. The motorcycle kept tilting from side to side as we turned a corner and the faster it went, the more nervous I became.

Eventually we reached a set of traffic lights and came to a temporary halt. The motorcycle was bobbing up and down softly, the engine humming as it awaited the continuation of our journey.

"Are you ok?" Grey asked, his voice laced with a tinge of concern.

"Yeah..." I mumbled.

"You can hold onto me as tight as you want to." He reassured me, but I couldn't tell whether he was being sincere or not.

I said nothing, bracing myself for the force that came with the increasing speed.

My arms were basically suffocating Grey by now and he was surprisingly comfortable, although his chest was rock hard. He made no complaints, driving on without hesitation.


"I'm alive!"

I dropped to the floor, kissing the soggy earth beneath my feet. We were standing in front of my house. Why Grey knew where I lived was beyond me.

Grey chuckled at my behaviour. It wasn't an overreaction. I really was that grateful to be alive.

"How did you find the ride?"

I stared at him blankly. Did he actually need to ask that question?

Grey just smirked his usual smirk and leaned against his motorcycle, his eyes glossed over.

"Did you enjoy today then?" He was being serious, the smirk long gone.

I had to admit, hanging out with Grey was thrilling. Although I had been cheated out of my money, wasted two hours of my life on a terrible movie and nearly died, I felt more alive than ever before. The entire night had been exciting from start to finish.

"Yes, I actually did." I confessed truthfully, and a smile formed on Grey's lips, reaching his eyes.

"Good. So, I'll see you on Monday then?" Grey stood upright, getting his keys out.

"Yep." I replied, my eyes fixed on his moving figure. Was he about to leave?

"Goodnight Emerald."

He climbed onto his bike and was about to turn on the engine.

"Wait!" I called out, uncertain of why I had even done that. Grey got off his bike and faced me.


Well this was embarrassing. What was I supposed to say?

"Is it true?" I questioned vaguely, and Grey raised an eyebrow.

"Is what true?" Grey repeated my words back to me in confusion.

"Was this actually not a date?"

My voice was shaky and nervous. Why? Why did I suddenly feel so lost for words and short of breath?

Grey walked forward, his eyes falling on me. His mouth was opening as he leaned close to me, his breath was now fanning the side of my cheek and I felt myself drawn to it.

"What do you think?" He whispered, before he stepped back and headed over to his motorcycle.

Before I could reply to that, Grey had driven off, leaving me speechless.


"I can't believe he was outside this door and you didn't tell me!" Ruby yelled, smacking me with a pillow once I had recounted the night's events to her.

"I can't believe what happened outside..." I muttered, my hands shielding my face as it grew hot.

Ruby slung an arm around me.

"C'mon Em', everyone's known from day one that Grey Black likes you. This was going to happen eventually." She explained confidently, as if she had a phD in human psychology.

"He never said he likes me. And he never said it was a date." I repeated the two statements aloud, knowing for sure that they were true.

"Yes, but he never denied either." Ruby pointed out and I had to admit that for once, she had a valid point.

"Ugggggghhhhhh!" I cried out in frustration, words failing me as I tried to understand the situation I was in.

"Ok, look, take it easy. Let's get one thing straight - do you actually not like this guy?" Ruby was steadying my semi-shaking figure with her hands, her controlled eyes finding my own confused ones.

I didn't like Grey Black. It wasn't possible. He was my friend at best.

"I don't think so." I replied uncertainly, to which Ruby furrowed her eyebrows.

"Why did you ask him if your hang-out was a date then?"


"You told me you asked him that to stop him leaving."

Now that I thought about it, that was right. I had made the question up to avoid any awkwardness.

"Emma, why did you not want him to leave?"

I didn't know what to say. I had the urge to after the night we had. It was a lot of fun, and I knew the fun would leave when he did.

"Because I was having fun."

"And why were you having fun?"

"Because I was with him."


I slapped a hand over my mouth. What did I just say?

"Wait, what the hell? You're leading me into a trap!"

Ruby chuckled, shaking her head.

"Emma, you're the one answering the questions, not me."

Oh god. Oh no. What have I become?

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