Chapter 25 - War

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The party had been going on for at least an hour when we arrived, with music blaring from the inside, causing the walls of Victor's mansion to shake and vibrate. I stared in awe at his mansion of a house, which was three storeys high with large pillars framing the grand, gilded front door. How rich were his parents?

I rang the doorbell confidently, with Heidi by my side and Steve, Dee and Jeremy waiting behind us patiently.

The door swung open and Victor stood there in a semi-tight shirt that revealed his defined chest and muscular arms. His hair was slicked back, making him look dangerous and cool. He really was impeccably good-looking. I can't believe someone like him liked me.

"Hey gorgeous girls and guys." Victor greeted us with an award-winning smile.

"Greenie!" Heidi yelled to Chris Green, the creepy guy from my first day, who was standing in the corner of Victor's house. She ignored Victor and ran towards Chris. We all shrugged, and Victor took no offence, laughing at her strange behaviour.

"Hi Victor." I replied, stepping into his house. The others had verged off into different areas of the room by now: Jeremy had found Lottie and Steve and Dee were in a corner together. I glanced back at Victor who was pouring me some beer.

"Welcome to my party!" he added, giving me a red cup and gesturing to the masses of people inside his house.

My eyes widened. This was scary, so many people were here, more than I had ever imagined.

I started to panic, my eyes flitting across the room anxiously. That very second, I felt a heavy arm sling itself around my shoulders. Victor was looking at me, his soft gaze causing my worry to dispel. His eyes fell on my outfit and he smiled. It seemed that through all the chaos of the party so far, he had forgotten to take a proper look at me.

"You look gorgeous." Victor admitted, fiddling with his shirt. I thanked him with a kiss to the cheek. We stood there, absorbed in the silence before Victor tugged on my arm gently, wanting my attention.

"Hey Emma, do you want a house tour?" He asked, gesturing to the staircase in the far corner.

"Sure! " I told Victor as he took my hand and pulled me gently through his huge mansion.

I noticed people around me were whispering and looking at me in a strange way.

"Isn't that Grey's ex?"

"Why is she with Victor?"

"Is she Victor's girlfriend?"

I gave the gossipers my best glare and looked back to Victor who just shook his head.

"Don't listen to them, they're just jealous." He whispered, giving my hand a small squeeze.

"I know, I'm amazing like that." I commented confidently, flipping my hair as Victor chuckled.

"Yes, you are." He spoke sincerely, his eyes deeply set on my own.

He then turned away and began the house tour.

"So, this is the lounge, as you can see..." Victor waved his hand at the masses of people populating the sofas and carpeted area. The smell of alcohol and sweat polluted the air, and I found myself suffocating at the intensity of it. It was quite repulsive.

I nodded, and Victor dragged me along to the back of his house where there was a large pool the size of my bedroom and a forest-sized garden. There was a conservatory here, with a pool table and a mini bar. Some people were sitting on the side of the pool on their phones, wearing their swim trunks and bikinis and enjoying a cold drink. Others were playing pool games with one of the inflatable balls.

"Here's the conservatory and garden." Victor continued, before leading me to the most glorious staircase I had ever seen. It was white marble with gilded banisters that glistened in the artificial light from the chandeliers. The staircase curved around thrice, for each floor of his house. Victor and I walked to the first floor and he stopped and faced me.

"This floor has the laundry room, games room and gym. There are also two bathrooms there and there." He pointed to two doors.

This continued until we reached the top floor where Victor's room was.

"My room is here; do you want to see inside?" Victor looked to me as we stood outside a white, wooden door, engraved with his initials.


Victor opened the door and I gasped. His room was huge. He had a queen-sized bed and three sofas, a 60-inch plasma TV and what looked like an ensuite in the far corner. What took me most by surprise was the mysterious glass door on the right-hand side of the room.

Victor followed my gaze and walked up to it.

"Do you want to take a look?"

I ran up to it and walked out onto the balcony. It was gorgeous. The air was warm and fresh, and the view was of the expansive garden below, swarming with people.

"Wow." I breathlessly spoke, as Victor stood by me.

"Emma, can I ask you a question?" Victor turned to me and our eyes met. He seemed a little nervous as he ran his hand through his hair, a nervous tendency of his.

"Go ahead," I granted him permission, and he took my hands in his own.

"Emma Redbourne, will you be my girlfriend?"

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