Chapter 10 - External Violation

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What could Emma possibly ask Grey to do for her? Who knows...



I hadn't replied to Grey's question, but I knew that whatever I would make him do would have to be humiliating and painful for him. What could bring Grey Black down?

It was the end of the day now, so I strolled up to the back gate and waited for Dee patiently, thinking about all the possible things I could do to get him back. I could get him to dress up in pink and parade around the school like a fairy. Or I could make him communicate only in non-verbal signs for a whole week and wait until he gets severely punished for it. Or maybe I could subject him to several forms of mental and physical torture until his body breaks and I can finally be at peac-


A voice calls out to me in surprise.

It was Dee. But why was she surprised to see me?

"What's up Dee?" I greeted the girl who raised an eyebrow.

"Emma, don't you have an afterschool detention?" She reminded me, as my eyes grew wide in horror of this realisation.

"Crap!" I yelled before sprinting back into hell-in-a-box, a.k.a school.

"Good luck!" I heard Dee shout to me, as I ran around like a headless chicken, trying to find the detention room. After a good two minutes I discovered the dismal room, packed with rebellious teenagers and smelling of sweat and tears.

I quickly hurried in to meet the gaze of a friendly looking teacher. My school instincts kicked in immediately and I reminded myself not to be deceived by the soft features of this woman, for underneath every teacher's surface was a hard and formidable interior.

"Miss Redbourne?" A voice snapped me out of my endless thoughts.

I looked up in shock at the teacher, who was giving me a friendly wave.

"Oh yeah that's me..." I responded blankly as she ticked my name off her clipboard.

I turned my head to face what was possibly the fullest classroom I had ever encountered. There seemed to be no empty seat whatsoever. I reverted my gaze back to the teacher who gave me a curious look.

"Miss, there are no seats..." I stated honestly, hoping she would let me leave instead of sitting on the floor because frankly that was very degrading.

The teacher took a quick look around the room before gesturing to a desk in the far corner.

"There's a seat right beside Mr..." she looked down at her clipboard to find the name, "Blue."

The drumming in my heart slowed down. For a second there I thought she was going to say Black. And boy would my first day here get even worse if that was the case.

I began to make my way to the back of the class and to this mysterious Mr Blue when a snide voice called out to me.

"Hey Emerald," it whispered, and my eyes snapped to the right to meet the face of doom.

Grey Black was sitting there in all his glory, his hair perfectly styled and electric blue eyes fixed on my own. I narrowed my eyes at him and walked on, until I stumbled across a rather beautiful looking human.

"Are you Mr Blue?" I stated breathlessly, taking in the features of the guy sitting at the desk with an empty seat.

He was fairly muscular with soft brown hair that was slightly ruffled, but it looked good on him. With a defined jawline that had a small amount of stubble building up on it there was only a single word to describe him: hot.

He turned to look at me and his glorious grey eyes met mine, sparkling.

"That's me, Victor Blue," The guy told me, with a grin on his face.

"Emerald Redbourne, but call me Emma," I replied politely before taking the seat next to him.

"So, Victor," I addressed the guy, trying to start a conversation, "What are we supposed to do?"

Victor shrugged with his muscular shoulder, his perfectly shaped eyebrows slightly raised. He was so cute, I could barely contain my excitement. I think he realised I was staring as the next thing I knew, a hand was fanning in front of my face.


I snapped out of my daydream over his body and found his eyes that were filled with amusement.

"So, Emma," he started, almost mimicking me, "You single?"

I was taken aback by this question. He was asking me if I was single?

My eyes flitted to the front of the room. I had looked just in time to see Grey watching us intently. When our eyes met he looked away instantly. What was all that about? Shaking my head, I turned to face Victor's curious gaze.

"Uhm..." I mumbled, unsure of his motives or my answer.

Wait a second, what if this guy was a player? Now that would mean he was just trying to get into my pants and I sure as hell didn't want that.

"Nope." I blurted out stupidly, regretting I had ever said any of it. Now he was going to ask me questions about my relationship and my boyfriend, and I would have nothing to say about it.

Victor seemed convinced, but a sly smile was forming on his gorgeously pink lips.

"So, who is he then? Your boyfriend?" he interrogated casually, his gaze on me like a hawk.

I looked away, beginning to panic like crazy. What do I do? I don't have a boyfriend! My eyes darted across the room for some sort of way out of this stupid mess. And they fell on the one person that I despised the most in this world -- Grey Black.

He still owed me something, didn't he? Well, this was the solution.

"Grey Black." I confidently announced, as Victor's eyes grew in size.

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