Lunch: The Most Problematic Meal of the Day

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Natasha's P.O.V.

We got released for lunch at 11:50, and while the other recruits went to shower, I just changed into the clothes I had come in and headed to the hallway. I soon as I stepped into the hallway, I saw Barton leaning against the wall, arms crossed over his chest.

"Good job in there, Nat, although you may want to tone done during sparing. Bruises and bumps are ok, but I am pretty sure you may have broken Hodge's foot. I'm not supposed to encourage that kind of behavior, but I would have done the same" he said.

"Thank you," I wanted to add what is it with you Americans and your nicknames, but I decided to hold my tongue, Nat was still better than Red and as long as he was the only one calling me that I could tolerate it.

Barton continued walking with me as I followed signs to the cafeteria, although he didn't say anything during the journey. The cafeteria was set up mainly buffet style, although there was some grab-and-go food and an area that seemed to have some sort of custom dish, along with a breakfast bar. I decided to get a bit of salad, fruit, and chicken not wanting to push my luck and making sure that I don't get accustomed to all-you-can-eat before they begin to restrict my food privileges. I also got a glass of water, while the sparring hadn't worn me out, I hadn't been able to stay as hydrated as I should have. I scanned the room and found a table that was empty. Barton sat down by me soon after though.

"Don't you have your little SO buddies to sit with?" I remarked, looking at a table where a bunch of older agents were swapping stories, most likely about the cadets they saw perform today.

"Shouldn't you hang out with the other recruits?" he fired back, looking at the table, where my fellow trainees were laughing, some even trying to toss food into others' mouths.

"I like to be alone," I said putting extra emphasis on alone. "Besides, I prefer to work with others who are a little more mature."

"You can't be serious all the time Nat, you need to relax, make friends with some other agents, otherwise, you'll go crazy from the stress."

I just roll my eyes and turn my attention back to my meal.

Soon a girl with curly blonde hair came over and sat next to Barton. Can these people not tell when someone wants to be alone. "Hey Clint," she greeted, moving a piece of hair behind her ear while flashing a smile.

"Oh hey, Bobbi. Do you need anything?" He asked, reciprocating the smile.

"Oh um, I just got a mission assignment about some suspicious activity in Iowa and I know you're from there... so I was wondering if later you could help give me some tips?" As she spoke, I could tell that she was fiddling with her fingers under the table. She obviously had some feelings for him, why I couldn't understand, but she did.

"Um, yeah I should be able to. I have to debrief a little with Coulson and then show Nat here around the Hub a little, but after that I'm free. Maybe meet here around six and share info over dinner?" It was clear from his response that whatever feelings she had for him, he did not reciprocate them.

"Oh, um, yeah that sounds fine." She responded a bit of dejection in her voice. As she left I noticed there was a little less bounce in her step.

"Why do you do that?" I asked, stabbing at my salad.

"Do what?"

"You are so obtuse Barton, she was clearly flirting with you. I mean come on information on Iowa? Her and every female recruit in my class has a crush on you, which, may I say girls' locker room talk is the worst."

"Really?" I could tell that he was generally surprised.


"You know you don't always have to eat healthily," he said gesturing to my meal, "Although you may want to load up a little more." I look at Barton's plate and see he had a burger, fries, and a piece of chocolate cake. It was surprising that he got that much food even after he disobeyed orders.

"I know but I like to have energy in case of an emergency, and you don't have to take care of me. I'm a big girl."

"Actually, I kinda do, it's part of my job to make sure that you get through this training process and get assigned a job within SHIELD, and besides that, I want  to help you."

I roll my eyes. "Oh cut the bull, Barton! No one cares for anyone unless they want something so tell me," I lean forward, resting my forearms on the table and looking him in the eye with a piercing gaze, "what do you want?"

"I want you to get it through your thick head we are just trying to help! I'm sure you're still waiting for the other shoe to drop, but it's not going to. We're not some weird wack-job Russian organization that messes with your mind to get you to do what we want," he yelled at me. I paused for a moment and realized that no one else is talking and all their attention was on us. The one thing a spy hates is being the center of attention when they don't mean to be.

I leaned in and whispered, "I can take care of myself," before grabbing my plate and leaving for the SHIELD history lesson that was scheduled for after lunch.


Clint's P.O.V.

I dropped my head onto the table as everyone returned to their lunchtime conversations. I knew that the other SOs were probably still looking at me, though whether their expressions were filled with pity or smugness I didn't know.

Why can't Natasha just realize that people that can truly care about her well-being without expecting anything in return? You were just like that when you first came to SHIELD. With that in my mind, I knew exactly who I needed to talk to about this, and luckily I was supposed to have a debrief with him right after lunch.

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