Everybody Talks

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Natasha's P.O.V. 

After dinner I went back to the quarters. I took the chance to change into the shorts and shirt that I was planning to sleep in while no one else was in the room. I really couldn't deal with people like Lilly asking me why I have the scars that I have and how I got them, right then. After that, I ended up just lying down in the bed since there was nothing better to do.

After a while of staring at the ceiling and reviewing what I happened over the past thirty-six hours, I heard the rest of the girls enter, still continuing their conversation.

"So any of you have any agents that you got your eyes on?"

One of the girls, whose voice I recognized from my classes, I think her name was Piper, responded, "Have to admit this Agent Barton guy we saw in ops training today was pretty handsome. I heard he's a high-level special-ops sniper too, which means he really knows his stuff. I sure wouldn't mind being on a mission with him."

I propped myself up on my elbow, "He's an idiot who can shoot, although given its a bow and arrow that his weapon of choice, he's either fairly talented or he's lucky and stupid. Based on what I've seen over the past day and a half or so, I'm going to have to say it's probably the latter.

"You don't know what you're talking about, Romanoff. He's the youngest specialist in the history of the organization and he's one of higher ranked agents here too." Hill said from her spot in the doorway. I rolled my eyes and stayed seated while the rest of the girls stood up as the older agent walked into the room. She took a few steps toward me, "You might want to show a little more respect for the higher-ranking agents, especially when the agent is your SO." She turns to face everyone else, "You know the drill, lights out in ten." She pressed a panel on the wall, which I assumed was a timer system and then left the room.

I managed to drift off to sleep for a few hours before waking up, I still haven't been able to truly sleep well without handcuffs. I laid in the darkness for a few minutes until I noticed a vent right above the bed. I stood on the bed and opened the grate without waking the others. I then hoisted myself up into the vents and began to explore. After a few minutes, I saw Burton through one of the grates. I decided that it would be interesting to see what he was doing and started to follow him. After a while, he entered an office that also had agent Coulson in it. I heard what sounded a binder being tossed onto a desk.

"I finished that report you wanted, Phil," Barton said.

"Thanks. So, how'd this afternoon go, did you do what I told you?"

"It went not so good. I tried to be nice and help her like you suggested, be she still acted ticked. " I realized that they were talking about me, he had no right to tell others about how I was feeling. I turned around and went back to my quarters, knowing I would talk to Barton about this in the morning.


Clint's P.O.V.

It was fairly late by the time I finished my work and I hoped that Coulson would still be awake. I headed down the hall to Coulson's office when I saw agent Hill.

"Hey Hill, I'm surprised you're up this late."

"I am about to crash, I just had to ask Coulson if he was will to talk to the new agents about protocol."

"Ah, fun. So, did you meet Romanoff yet?" I asked knowing she got put in charge of warning the agents about lights out.

"Yes, I did, and boy you have quite a job with her." She sighed, shaking her head slightly

"I know, but Coulson had a challenge with me, so I guess this is karma," I replied shrugging my shoulders.

"Maybe," She checked her watch, "Well, goodnight Clint and good luck." She said walking down the hall.

"'Night," I replied continuing my walk to Coulson's.

I entered the room and threw the binder onto his desk. It landed with a slap making Coulson look up.

"I finished that report you wanted Phil."

" Thanks. So, how'd this afternoon go, you do what I told you? "Phil asked, moving to sit on the front of his desk.

" It went not so good. I tried to be nice like you and help her like you suggested but she still acts ticked " I replied, settling onto the couch.

"It will take a while, Barton. I had to deal with you for three months before you even wanted to be in the same room as me."

"True, although it was because I wasn't so good with the rules," I said smiling.

"Oh, I definitely remember that especially the not getting into fights rule."

I smirked, "Hey I was the youngest in the group, I had to prove myself."

Coulson rolled his eyes, "Sure keep telling yourself that, and just be happy you don't have to truly teach Romanoff."

"I wasn't that bad, Coulson."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes, you had an elementary school education I had less than a year to get you ready to pass the test for your GED. I remember Sitwell came into my office one day and I was literally on the verge of a breakdown."

"Really? Why?"

"Because you were horrible in English. There was a moment where I really thought you wouldn't pass, and I had risked a lot bringing you here."

"Ok, I was bad, but let's be honest here Director Carter probably chose you knowing that you wouldn't actually kill me," I said delving into past memories.    

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