Spring, A Winter's End

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A.N. Our last Red Room flashback for a while. This chapter contains Russian so I will post a translation in the comments of the section in which the words appear. I also want to wish my readers a happy holiday, no matter what you celebrate. I was also wondering if anyone reading this knows a good place to buy cosplays. I want to go as Natasha for Halloween/the movie premier but my sewing abilities have a lot to be desired so I've looking for somewhere that makes some good quality cosplays.

Natalia was making herself comfortable in Yasha's room as had become a habit of hers. Every other week or so that two would meet for the night, swapping what few stories that two could remember.

"I have something for you Natalia," The soldier, walking into the room. He was able to eat with those who ran the Red Room, which meant a later and better dinner.

The twelve-year-old perked up, crawling to the foot of Yasha's bed. It was in moments like these that the girl's stollen childhood made itself known.

Yasha pulled a napkin out of his pocket and unwrapped it to reveal a fresh albeit slightly broken cookie. There were flecks of a dark material that Natalia could only guess was either chocolate or raisin – she was hoping for the former as sweets were contraband for the girls but would take the latter as fruits were rarely on the menu for the potential widows.

Natalia took the sweet from her protector(?), friend(?), mentor(?)'s hand and held it as reverently as if it were the world's most precious jewel or rarest artifact; this was her Arc of the Covenant. The girl did not yet take a bite out of the forbidden food though – as even though Natalia could be less strict in this room she still had the habits instilled in her by the Red Room's harsh punishments – instead, she looked toward Yasha, awaiting permission to enjoy the baked good in her hands.

Finally, after a curt nod, as Yasha went to change, Natalia began to devour the contraband. As the girl had hoped there was chocolate embedded in the dough of the cookie, which only added to Natalia's enthusiasm though she knew she should savor the treat as it was unknown when she would get to have another moment like this.

"Consider it a reward for all of your hard work," Yasha said, sitting on the bed. Natalia had become entranced by his ability to show empathy and yet still remained distanced at the same time. It made the young spy wonder what his past had been like before he got recruited into this hellish organization – what it was like to ever have a life outside of this hellscape of a compound.

The two had decided long ago that the man must have a sister at some point in his past that was the reason for his attachment to Natalia. It made Natalia wonder what had happened to the girl, had she suffered a similar fate to Alec or was she still wondering where her older brother had gone. Natalia knew that the girl had to have loved her brother and wondered what her own life would have been like if Alec was still there.

"Thank you, Yasha," The girl replied, breaking away from her thoughts while wiping away the chocolate stains that she was sure haloed her mouth. The preteen may have been trained in all types of etiquette one could associate with consuming food, but there was something satisfying in ignoring all of that training especially when already participating in a prohibited activity.

"You're making yourself indispensable. That is what you need to do to succeed here. You- and me- are merely pawns in this twisted game that those with greater power than ourselves enjoy playing. A game whose rules can change without us even knowing, the only way to keep the rules in your favor is to make yourself a great enough resource, I'm sure you've noticed this in your classmates. No?"

The redhead took a moment to ponder the deadly sparing sessions that the girls would participate in at the end of the month. How Sonya, who was one of the best students, was killed by a girl who had struggled in basic combat classes. How Sonya had begun to ignore the exact commands given by their trainers. How she had begun to fall ill after Madame had given her some sort of concoction one night. How that sickness had allowed Maria to get the upper hand.

Natalia just nodded, not waiting to give life to the statement by agreeing with it out loud.

"Then you know what you must do. You must continue to strive, to claw your way to the top but still play their docile servant so that they see no reason to knock you off that pinnacle." The man used his metal appendage – neither know how he acquired it – to brush away a loose strand of hair that had fallen in front of the girl's eyes the red and green shades making each stand out more. The contradiction of the cold hard appendage and the soft movement would have sent Natalia's head reeling if she had not become so used to having the rug pulled out from under her. "You need to survive and finish this because I know that one day you will become so much stronger than this program and that will be the day they learn to fear Natalia Romanova."

Natalia merely nodded, unsure if Yasha had meant for his statement to sound like the young girl would one day bring the Red Room to the ground.

Yasha returned the nod before laying down, "You should rest Natalia you have you trials in the morning."

The girl complied and curled into Yasha's side – a favorite position of hers, Yasha even made a remake that she resembled the personality of a black cat more so than that of a black widow.


Natalia woke up Wednesday in a brighter mood than usual, eager for Madame to unlock her from the bed frame. Wednesdays were when she trained with Yasha, the two used to meet every day but recently their session had decreased.

As Natalia began to change into her training uniform, she noticed a younger blonde smiling at her as though the other girl was that cat that finally caught the canary.

"Why are you so happy Yelena?" Natalia had a complex relationship, while she admired the younger girl's confidence and determination even seeing much herself in Yelena, the girl gave off vibes that would be just as happy to break Natalia's neck as she would be to braid her hair.

Yelena got off her own bed and stalked closer to Natalia, her grin showing too many teeth for it to be considered anything other than hostile. "The same question could be asked of you сестра. Are you eager to see your американский?"

Natalia rolled her eyes and began to make her bed. Natalia wasn't going to take Yelena's bate it was the exact thing that Yasha had warned her about.

"It would be a shame if something had happened to him," The younger whispered in Natalia's ear before going to join the line of girls waiting to be escorted to their meal and then training.


Natalia had hated to say it, but Yelena was right. After breakfast, the young redhead began to scan the canteen trying to catch a glimpse of Yasha's handler who would escort Natalia to their sessions, yet Natalia saw no trace of the man.

Yelena's threat was realized when Madame came to Natalia after lunch and informed her that she would be working with another man called Alexi Shostakov.

"But Madame I am supposed to train with The Solider today."

"You were supposed to train with The Solider, but we have come to believe he has taught you that he can and so he had been decomishened. Now you shall train with Alexi, be proud he is a perfect example of what you should be if you want to proudly defend the motherland."

Natalia just nodded before hanging her head as she began to follow Madame, swearing that she would fulfill Yasha's murky prophecy.

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