One Step Forward, One Million Steps Back

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Natasha's P.O.V.

"What the hell was that Romanoff?" Barton hissed at me as we say in Fury's room waiting for the man to enter. It was the first time that he's spoken, or even looked at me since we left the ballroom. "Did you know that Johnson was married and had a kid, a little girl actually. Did you also know that now I have to go to their house and inform a little girl that her daddy won't be coming home, tell his wife that her husband was killed unnecessarily during a mission because one of the other agents decided to shoot him in the back."

"Agent Barton if you do not hold your tongue you will be removed," Fury said, striding into the room.

"I'm sorry Fury, but after what she did, I don't think I can imagine speaking to her like she's a sensible human being especially after the heartless act that she-"

"Barton, out now," Fury ordered pointing to the door. Barton grumbled but left the room fairly easily.

"Fury it's not what it-"

Fury cut me off, raising one of his hands, "I speak first." I moved back in my seat. "My reports say that while on the mission, you shot agent Johnson in the back, with a weapon you shouldn't have had is that correct?"

"Yes, sir but-"

"You do realize that this is grounds enough to have you executed?"

"Yes, sir but-"

"But what Romanoff?"

"Johnson had poisoned Barton's drink sir. I took that shot because I wasn't sure that I could get to Barton before he took a snip. I realize that shooting Johnson maybe wasn't the best idea, but there was no protocol for what to do when one agent tries to poison another. I did what I thought was best. The only reason that I was even watching Johnson was because Coulson told me that he was worried for Barton. He told me that Johnson used to attack Barton when they were in training."

"Coulson told you that?"

"Yes, sir. I may not be a social butterfly, but I am not suicidal. I almost wouldn't completely trash a mission just to kill an agent, if I wanted to kill Johnson, I could have easily done it in the hotel room while we were getting ready."

"I actually believe you, Romanoff. I'll have some of the men that are cleaning up the scene examine Johnson's body and see if there is any evidence to support your claims. We will also question some of Johnson's friends and see if they know anything about this."

"And for me sir?"

"Until we finish this investigation you are suspended from duty and are hereby confined to this base. I am being kind right, but if you try to step foot off this base, you will be getting your ass thrown into a prison cell. Understand?"

"Yes, sir.

"Then you are dismissed."

"Thank you, sir.

After I left Fury's office I headed to the cafeteria. I was fairly hungry, as the only thing I had managed to eat during the mission was a couple of Vienna sausages. The moment that I stepped into the cafeteria it felt like everyone's eyes were on me and I saw Barton sitting with a fairly large group of agents around him.

"Watch out everyone, the famous Black Widow will shoot you in the back. Adults, children in the hospital, she doesn't care. She'll kill whoever she wants." Barton called, bring me to the attention of the few people that weren't staring already. I immediately turned around and ran to my quarters.

Great, you tried to save one of the only people at SHIELD who trusts you, and now everyone thinks that you are a cold-hearted killer. Maybe you aren't any better than the monster that Red Room made you to be. Maybe this whole SHIELD thing is just you lying to yourself.

I was knocked out of my self-loathing by a knock on the door, "Who is it," I called.


"Come in."

I sat up in the bed as Coulson came in, carrying a thermos and a glass bottle.

"I heard about what Clint said, and I'm sorry that he's being an asshole. I brought a sort of olive branch," he held up the bottle and the thermos, "vodka and borsht, it might be a little stereotypical, but I thought that it might help." As Coulson went to take off his jacket, I took the vodka. "I brought shot glasses too, just let me...or not," Coulson said, seeing me drink straight from the bottle.

"Thanks, it actually helps, but are you sure that you want to be alone with the murderous Black Widow. If you want, you can go to the cafeteria if you want and listen to the tales of my coldhearted acts. I mean I'm pretty sure that he's already talked about the fire in the children's ward, so you missed the best or worst one, but I am sure he has more tales."

"Don't talk like that Romanoff, Barton is just shaken up. All he knows is that you shot someone that, while he wasn't friends with them, he defiantly trusted him. Once he finds out that you were doing it to protect him, he'll forgive you."

"Still doesn't take back what everyone will think of me. And it sure as hell won't take back all the stories that he's telling."

"I'll make sure that he stops that, but for right now I want to make sure that you're okay."

We ate the borsht and drank the vodka, well mainly I drank the vodka, while swapping stories. It was nice to have someone treat me like a human being, I mean even before this people didn't really trust me, but now the number of people that would be alone in a room with me was two, maybe three. At some point, we moved to the couch. I didn't even realize how late it was until I started yawning.

"You should probably head to bed Romanoff."

"Oh yeah," I said, sitting up, the bottle dangling between my fingers, "Let me just show you out."

"Oh no, I'm staying. I want to make sure that you don't make any bad choices tonight or well this morning."

"Coulson, I'm fine, don't worry."

"Please, it'll give me peace of mind."

"Alright, it's your back though," I said moving to my bed.

"That's an interesting decoration you got there," Coulson stated, pointing to the handcuffs that I have attached to the head of the bed.

"Oh yeah, it's a carryover from Red Room. They used it to make sure that we wouldn't run away, but at this point, it's become something like a security blanket. It's the only thing that helps me sleep through the night so I've kinda just kept it."

"That hurts doesn't it?" Coulson asked as I put the other cuff around my right wrist.

"Yeah, but I've gotten used to it. Now can we please go to sleep. I've dabbled enough in my messed up past and mind in the last twenty-four hours."

"Of course. Sleep tight Romanoff."

"You too Coulson," I said, rolling over. I'm sure Barton regrets saving me in that alley and in honestly if this behavior continues I'll regret it too.

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