Down on the Farm

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A.N. Just letting ya'll know, I have published a book of Huntingbird One-Shots, which will also include AUs that I want to write about, but don't really want to make into a whole book. There is also be a chance of Clintasha in some of the chapters and if that happens I'll post on here what chapter that is so that even if you don't like Huntingbird, you can still enjoy Clintasha in some pretty interesting universes.

Clint's P.O.V.

"How much longer is this drive going to be?" Nat asked, looking over at me, her feet resting on the dash and her hair moving in the breeze that the cracked window next to her created.

"Only a few more minutes," I said, turning my attention back to the road.

"You said that like an hour ago. Besides, what kind of house is out here? I haven't seen a powerline pole for at least ten miles. If this is just an elaborate was for SHIELD to off me I'm sure they could have found a more fuel efficient way to do it."

I sighed, "Yet again, SHIELD doesn't punish a mission gone wrong with death. Besides, SHIELD doesn't even know about this plane."

Nat sat up and turned to me, I could tell that she was still sore even though she didn't want to admit it. "But Coulson?"

"Coulson and Fury know about it, but that's it. It's kind of personal." I lift up the center console and begin to dig through it until I find a bottle of aspirin. "Take one of these, I know that you're still hurting, and you aren't going to want to be hurting once we arrive."

"Your vague answers really make a girl comfortable."

I chuckled, knowing that she was messing with me, "Don't worry, the only thing that you need to worry about is an overexcited three-year-old, Cooper Barton."


"Not mine, my brother's"

"The son a bitch brother you told me about in Rome?"

"One and the same, but he won't be there. He died about a year ago, not long before I brought you back. Left behind a pregnant wife and a toddler. I might have hated Barney, but Laura was family and where I was raised, you did everything you could to help family, or at least that's what the rest of the family in the town did."

"Waverly, the one we passed a little while ago."

"The exact one. So, I told Fury what happened, and he helped me move them into a house where I knew they would be safe, it's completely off the grid. I send most of my paycheck to Laura, figured she has enough to deal with, with the kids and stuff to have to worry about finding an actual job."

"You really do love being the hero don't you Barton." The statement was rid of its usual teasing tone.

"Figure that if I pretend for long enough, it'll come true." I throw on the blinker and turn into the long drive, "Looks like we're here, Casa de Barton, it's only a half a mile before you'll get to see the actual house."


Natasha's P.O.V.

We got to Barton's safehouse, which looked like an old farmhouse, complete with white paint and an old barn behind it. The minute that Clint closes the truck's door, a small figure came streaking out of the house. I moved my hand to the knife that was in my coat pocket.

"Uncle Clint," The small voice cries as Clint scoops him up to hold the child against his side.

"Man, you've gotten so much bigger since the last time I saw you," Clint said, as I went to grab our bags from the back of the car. I knew Clint would say something about me aggravating my injuries, but I didn't want to disrupt a moment that I was never supposed to be a part of.

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