Second First Date?

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Natasha's P.OV.

It had been a week since I was taken off of medical leave, and Barton still hasn't done anything about the stupid bet that we made, although from what I heard from Coulson he has been on some sort of mission for the past few days.

"She's alive," I heard an annoying voice that I have missed say.

I roll my eyes, "So what great land have you just arrived back from?" I turn my attention back to my lunch to avoid showing the smirk that appeared as I talked.

Clint moved closer to me so that our thighs were touching and then dropped his voice into a low whisper, "I wasn't at any sort of land, Fury developed a new base for SHIELD and wanted me to check it over for security flaws, turns out that running around in circus rigging for a few years paid off."

"I'm sure Fury would've tasked me with it if I hadn't been out, which by the way L is still pissed at you Nerf Bow thing."

Clint chuckled a little, "I'll make it up with her later, but right now you're my main concern."

I raised an eyebrow and crossed my arms, "What does that mean?"

He shoved my arm playfully, "Don't let it go to your head Romanoff, I was sent to get you 'cause there are two young SHIELD scientists that might have some fancy new tech for you."

I stood up from the table and began to walk toward the testing labs, with Barton joining me, "I didn't know whether or not you've forgotten our little bet or not."

A knowing smirk grew on Clint's face, "Oh, don't worry I haven't forgotten, in fact, I was wondering what you were doing tomorrow?"

"It's a Saturday so I'm technically off and since I have someone to have only managed to make friends with you, Coulson, maybe Hill, and your ex-wife," Bobbi and I had made amends after the whole Odessa nightmare, guess taking a bullet to the stomach really helps show where your loyalties lie. "I don't really have any pressing plans."

"Great, I'll meet you at nine, your apartment, and make sure you're in some type of workout gear."

"Wow, training as a form of dating, you really are shit at knowing how to interact with women."

"Hey, you might be the superspy, but I can have a few tricks up my sleeve too. But anyway, this is where I leave you."

It was then that I finally noticed that we were right in front of one of the testing labs. This walk always seemed much longer before, what happened? "Yeah, I guess."

I enter the lab and see two kids that couldn't have been older than eighteen.

"Um hello, Agent Romanoff," The female of the two said, I noticed a British accent to her voice.

"I heard that you have something that could help me in the field."

"Um yes," The boy, who had a Scottish accent and looked even younger than the girl, although that could be due to his light curly hair that looked like it'd be more at home on an elementary school playground than the headquarters of a top-secret government agency. "We've heard of your skills in close quarter combat as well as distance, although your partner also has that covered."

"We, well more I than we helped work on some of the designs for his new hearing aids," The woman supplied at my cocked eyebrow. "By the way, I'm Jemma Simmons, biochem, and this is Leo Fitz, he's-"

"Engineering," Fitz supplied, "But as I was saying, you have close quarters and distance covered, but your middle ground is a little grey, and while we know you're great at hand-to-hand it can take up time on some missions, so we came up with these." He opened a black box and I see about four metal disks.

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