I've Got You

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A.N. Would you guys want like a Clintasha one-shot book with maybe some AUs and scenes that I wouldn't really be able to put into this book. If you guys would like that feel free to comment some ideas or message them to me and I'll see what I can do.

Natasha's P.O.V.

I walked into the med bay and saw Clint lying in bed, IVs going into the back of his hands while the rest of his body looked like a patchwork quilt. I could tell which bandages were covering burns and which were covering cuts by wither or not there was a pink tinge to the material. His face was still bruised, although the butterfly bandages that went over his eyebrows did make him look like an angsty teenager who spent their birthday money at Spencers or Hot Topic. Meanwhile one of his arms was in an immobilizer while his left shoulder seemed to have a pretty heavy duty brace covering it. That wasn't going to make him happy.

I took a quick picture before sanding it to Laura, assuring (lying to) her that it looked much worse than it actually was, although the woman knew enough to tell how bad a medical situation is.

"He's a fighter," The girl, Simmons said, as I slipped the phone back into my pocket. "I'm Doctor Jemma Simmons." She extended her hand out and I took it warmly.

"I remember, you gave me some new tech while you were still at the academy and I would go more with stubborn than a fighter," I said, taking a seat next to the bed. "So, what's the damage?"

"He's was severely dehydrated and malnourished, there are various lacerations and burns covering most of his body, dislocation of both shoulders, his hands weren't as bad as they looked, we are still keeping an eye out for infection though. We are also pretty sure he has suffered from sleep deprivation and that they inserted some kind of narcotic into his bloodstream, though we can't treat that fully until he wakes us and informs us of what happened."

I nodded along and subconsciously started to gently card through Clint's hair, they had already cut the burnt sections out. "He's going to hate recovery on this. He's not a huge fan of staying still."

"Isn't he a sniper though?" Skye asked from where she was leaning in the doorway, a covered paper plate in her hands.

"Yeah, I don't fully understand it either."

"Coulson sent me by the way. Said something about you being too stubborn to eat. It's pizza by the way," Skye said, handing me the plate.

As I took off the paper plate was on top, Clint started to stir and I swear to god I heard him moan pizza before opening his eyes and looking at me.

"'Tasha?" He asked, and there was a look in his eyes that let me know there was a part of him that wasn't sure whether or not he was seeing was real.

"It's me, Clint," I sighed while taking out that hearing aids that I had taken with me to the base and handing them to him.

"Good," He said putting the devices into his ears, "I thought they had dosed me up again."

"Um, about that Agent Barton, can you describe what kind of drugs they injected you with? It is not too troubling that is," Simmons said meekly from the corner that she had drifted to.

"Um, yeah. Tash, can you hand me some water first?" I nodded and handed him the glass, keeping an eye to make sure that he didn't drop it or spill on himself. "Well, there were two things that they used, I don't know what they looked like, and neither were fun. The first was from when they realized that dunking me in water wasn't really working so they put this stuff in me that let me breathe underwater except it felt like I was suffocating when I first breathed under and when I breathed out of the water. The second one though was like...." Clint turned his attention off of me and completely to Simmons, "Have you ever done acid."

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