Borsht and Introductions

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A.N. I thought since I updated late this week and my chapters have been shorter recently, that I'd give ya'll another chapter to enjoy.

Natasha's P.O.V.

"Hello Captain Rogers," I said standing up and extending my hand out toward him.

"Hello Agent Romanoff," Rogers responded, shaking my hand before taking a seat across the table from me. He looked around the room for a few minutes -purely curiosity-driven, not surveillance- before speaking. "This is an interesting place."

I looked up from my menu, "I figured that no one would expect for America's Golden Boy to be eating at a restaurant of the enemy, plus, it has the best solyanka this side of the Potomac. Don't worry though, they also have burgers if you want to play it safe."

Rogers nodded along for a little bit before speaking again, "Oh yeah, you're Russian. You mentioned that during your interrogation with Loki. How did you end up in the US with SHIELD?"

I shrugged, "I had skills that SHIELD wanted so they offered me a safe haven and a visa, so I took it."

"Are those skills the ones that put you on that list you told us about?"

I nod, "Let's just say we're a lot more similar than you think. The only difference is that you voluntarily decided to fight for your country."

Rogers looked like he was going to say something but got cut off by our waitress coming over to take our orders.

The conversation didn't really start back up again until our food came.

"So, what did you do during your break?" Rogers asked. It was becoming very obvious that he was carefully picking over each of his words, which was frankly wearing me out.

"Let's cut to the chase Rogers, what's the real reason that you wanted to meet up?"

"As I said over the phone, I wanted to get to know you."

"We could have had this conversation while at the Triskelion cafeteria, so why here?"

"Because I wanted to get to know you, while you weren't in your work persona...although I'm learning that there's not a huge difference."

I shrugged, "There's a difference, you just haven't reached friend level thirty-nine and unlocked my tragic backstory; however, if I can ask, this doesn't have anything to do with you having already spent some time with other STRIKE members."

"I mean, a little...but I didn't really believe any of what they say."

"What?" I asked, arching an eyebrow, "That I'm a whorish slut and is more than willing to flirt or sleep with a mark because I have to say right now if that makes you uncomfortable, we might want to terminate this partnership. I will do anything that is needed to finish the mission."

I watched Rogers gasp like a fish for a few minutes before he finally spurted out, "I-I mean, it's okay as long as you're okay with it. I mean what you do with your body is your choice. It's all okay as long as SHIELD isn't making you do it."

I give a small nod, "Impressive choice Mr. Rogers, maybe I will be your neighbor." Rogers gave me a look of confusion, "It's from an American kid's show."

"Oh, I'll have to add that to the list." As he uttered the statement, I shit you not, he actually took out a notepad and began to write the show down. Upon seeing my shocked expression, he clarified, "My SHIELD therapist told me that it would help to write down things from this time so I could look them up later."

"I'm more impress that you actually go to the therapist. I went to mine about twice and didn't say a word before they finally cleared me." I wasn't really worried to tell Rogers that as most SHIELD agents have been assigned a therapist at one point or another, you don't succeed in this profession without being – or becoming – a little fucked up in the head. "But, enough about me. What is your approach to missions, I need to know what I need to worry about with you?"

Rogers looked at his food for a bit before speaking, "I mean, I just want to do what's right, get rid of the bad guys and make sure that no civilians get hurt."

I made sure to log that into my memory, to make sure Rogers never gets told the acceptable casualty number. We continued to eat and occasionally trade information before parting ways.

"May I just say Agent Romanoff; I think that this could be a great partnership. I also think that you're not as cold as you like people to think you are."

I shook my head, "You can think whatever you want Captain Rogers, it doesn't change the truth."

With that statement I left, ready to go home to Clint, drink a beer, and watch a British comedian give us an overview of the major news issues - which now tended to involve our team – before having to go back into the hell that is SHIELD's STRIKE team.

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