Building Trust and Breaking Noses

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A.N. I just want to say that after the line break there is a pretty sexist and vulgar conversation that happens, and I would like to that I in no way encourage this kind of behavior and just wanted to let you all know what was awaiting you in this chapter. Also, would you guys be chill with me maybe skipping up to about the time from of Iron Man after the next couple chapters or so? I will say that once we start to get into the more mainstream aspect of the MCU I probably won't actually include anything from the movies themselves, but rather just scenes from between the movies, although I might have a chapter or two focused on how Clint and Natasha work together while they are separated.

Clint's P.O.V.

"So, should I ask why you had makeup and dress in your bachelor pad or is that just part of the Clint Barton experience?" Natasha asked from the kitchen. After the ballet, I went to drop her off, but she had invited me in instead. "I mean, not judging what you normally do on a Saturday night, just curious?"

"Coulson had dropped off the dress and stuff earlier for tonight, figured it was less creepy than someone how sneaking into your place. Besides, let's be honest, I'm pretty far away from a bachelor."

"I don't know, you're handsome, kinda funny, and you have a pretty exotic style job," Natasha acknowledge, strolling into the living room and handing me a cup of tea, before sitting down in the diagonal from me. "By the way, don't let that go to your head. It was just an observation."

"Firstly, I'm about as far away from a bachelor as one can be without actually being married. Secondly, an observation you say, how long have you been observing?"

Natasha tucked her legs under herself before answering my question, she was still in the dress that she had worn to the ballet, though the torture devices that girls call shoes have long since been discarded into the hall closet. "A while I guess, I had to figure out why those girls at SHIELD were fawning over you." Natasha took a sip out of her cup, "Gotta be honest, still don't really understand it." A tiny smirk played across her features, letting me know that she was just toying with me. The situation that we were in right now, reminded me of a cat playing with its toy or maybe meal, I wasn't really sure at this point.

"Yeah, well if you can figure out a way for them to not be attracted to me, that would be awesome."

"You don't like the attention?" Natasha asked, setting her mug down on the coffee table that was separating us.

"Eh, it was nice at first, but one night stands only satisfy for so long. Though I learned that long term relationships weren't really my style, Coulson talked to me about that when I told him I liked you... That's another one of those shouldn't really do slash say things on a date that I do isn't it?" I tried to play off the situation, I mean how do you tell someone that is used to being used and then left that the only relationships you've participated in were one night stands.

Apparently, Natasha took it fairly well, because she let out a giggle as she got out of the chair, "Not really, but you also don't usually talk about childhood trauma during the first – or pre-first – date either, guess we're not really good at this whole normal dating. Now can you excuse me, while you or maybe Coulson have good tastes in dresses, I would like to be able to sit how I like without flashing anyone."

I nodded like I was giving her permission, not that I needed to, I knew that she would do whatever she wanted whether I was okay with it or not. That was one of the things I really liked in her, though I wasn't sure if that was a good trait for a relationship, though let's be honest, neither Nat nor I really have any experience with what a stable relationship would be like. Is there even such a thing as a stable relationship as far as SHIELD is concerned? Maybe I could ask Coulson, him and his cellist seem to be doing pretty well.

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