Chapter 5.

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I make my way over to where Murphy stands with the rest of his 'crew' and some of them give me a nod of acknowledgement as I stand with them.


"Carter." He smirks at me. "Enjoy the show?"

"It wasn't exactly necessary."

"No but it was fun."

I shake my head, unable to think of a response. "I see you guys are still following him around like lost puppies."

A few of his friends give me dirty looks, and one of the guys I don't recognise--clearly someone new-- steps forward, towering over me, "You're the lost puppy around here. Why don't you run along and play with the princess over there."

"Back off, Noah." Murphy tells him but I just laugh.

"You know that would've been really good if you used any of your own words, instead you just twisted what I just said to you, and included a nickname you didn't even come up with yourself." I look at Murphy. "Your cronies get more stupid each time. Is it to make you look smarter?"

I step towards 'Noah', but he holds his ground, glaring down at me. "Let me tell you something, Noah, and make sure you listen closely because I really don't like repeating myself. You think, that because you're a tall, muscular guy, that you can scare me and I'll run away like a frightened little girl? Well you're wrong. Because when guys like you talk down to me, it makes matters for you so much worse." 

His eye twitches and he starts to look uncomfortable, so I narrow my eyes even further.

"I'll let you off this time, because clearly you're new and you don't realise who I am. But next time you decide to play with fire, you will get burned. For now an apology will suffice."

He gives me a confused look, but when Murphy says his name harshly, Noah stumbles out an apology.

"All right, I-I'm sorry." 

I smile sweetly. "I'll catch you guys later." I turn and wink at Murphy before making my way over to Finn, blondie and Wells just in time to hear the latter say,

"How are the two of you gonna carry enough food for a hundred?"

Finn turns and spots Monty and Jasper behind him, grabbing their shoulders and spinning them infront of Wells. "Four of us, five if Chris comes."

"Chris isn't going anywhere." I declare as I stand beside Jasper.

"We could really use your help." Blondie says to me, but I shake my head.

"I'm done taking Jaha's orders, he wants me to go to that mountain then I'm staying as far away as possible."

She goes to protest but Finn cuts her off, "All right. Just four of us then."

"Sounds like a party, make it five." We all turned to see Octavia and her brother walk over to us, the former grinning.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing?" He asked, placing a hand on her arm.

"Going for a walk." She deadpanned, shrugging off his hand, a hurt look crossed his face before he masked it.

"Hey," Blondie steps forward to Finn, "were you trying to take this off?" She lifts up his arm with the wristband to reveal scratch marks on it.

"Yeah, so?" He shrugs.

"So, this wristband transmits your vital signs to the Ark, take it off and they'll think you're dead."

So that's what the wristbands are for. I had a hunch.

"Should I care?"

"Well I don't know, do you want the people you love to think you're dead? Do you want them to follow you down here in two months, because they won't if they think we're dying." Finn suddenly looks at the ground, thinking of Raven, "Okay, now let's go."

My mind suddenly wanders. If we take take the wristbands off, the Ark will think it isn't safe to come down to Earth, right?

"Hey," I look up when Finn nudges my arm, "stay safe, okay? I won't be long."

I roll my eyes, "I survived four years in lock up, I think I can live a day without you, Finn."

He nods and is the first to walk into the trees, followed by Jasper, Monty then blondie. Octavia looks at her brother expectantly, and smiles when he tells her to go. She kisses his cheek and runs to follow after everyone else.

"They grow up so fast, right?" I say to Octavia's brother and Wells, both of whom give me a look and I shrug. "God, what crawled up your ass and died?"

"Do you actually even care?" Octavia's brother raises an eyebrow.

"Nope." I grin, "Carter." I introduce, I hardly let people call me by my first name. He looks at me for a moment before giving a nod of acknowledgment.


"Well Bellamy, a little word of advice." I take a step forward and he watches me closely, intrigued at what I have to say. "Don't have your hair slicked back like that, not only does it make you look old but also like an asshole, and nobody wants that. Besides, I have a feeling you'll look better with it a little messy."

His mouth parts at my words but I think he's too stunned to reply, so I smirk and walk away, Bellamy watching me as I do.

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