Chapter 68

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chapters 66, 67 & 68 have all been updated!!

From across the group of teens that start to slowly disperse, Clarke's gaze meets mine, and the moment her mouth opens I turn and head for my tent.


She calls after me, but I only stop when I feel her hand grasp my arm. "Hey."

I give her a nod as I look up at her, and her frown only increases.

"You okay?"


"How's your head? If you got any hallucinations earlier, or if anyone else did, don't worry, we did too."

"Raven said things got pretty crazy out here." I tell her.

"Yeah, I can imagine." She nods and looks around, seeing people huddled in blankets and sitting by the fires to keep warm. "It must be something from our rations, but I don't think it was the grounders." She sighs, "we need to repackage everything tomorrow. Sort through it all."

"Yeah." I nod and turn to leave, suppressing a groan when Clarke stops me again.

"Hey, wait," she sighs again and lowers her voice, "we need to talk."

"And what is it we're doing now, Clarke?" I raise my arms and let them hit against my thighs.

"I mean talk privately." She sends me a look and nods over to a more quiet area of camp. "Come on."

I exhale through my nostrils in frustration and follow her, both of us standing at the side of the drop ship.

The light from the closest fire illuminates the side of her face, flickering, but it shows me the inner debate she has with herself.

"I haven't got all night Clarke."

She looks to the ground before meeting my eye. "Bellamy was going to leave today."

"What do you mean?" I shrug.

"I mean he was going to leave." She repeats. "It's why he took so many rations, he didn't want to face Jaha and the rest of the Ark so--"

"So he was going to abandon us." I finish, looking at Bellamy across the camp where he talks to Miller.

"He knew Jaha wouldn't pardon him the same as the rest of us."

"Then why's he still here?" I say bitterly, "he should've just left, if that's what he wanted to do."

Clarke frowns at my words, "Carter you don't mean that. We wouldn't be here without Bellamy, you know that. All of this," she gestures to the camp and to the wall, "is because of him."

Because of him, not because of me or us.

I clench my jaw and Clarke sighs again.

"I managed to convince him to speak to Jaha and to stay here." She lowers her voice, as if speaking to herself, "of course that was after Dax tried to kill us."

"Dax what?" I ask frowning, having picked up what she mumbled. 

"Whoever hired Bellamy to kill Jaha hired Dax to kill Bellamy so he wouldn't blab." Clarke explains.

I nod. Makes sense.

"I just wanted to get you caught up." Clarke sighs again and gives me a small smile. "If you get a chance, talk to Bellamy. He listens to you."

I nod, not letting her know I have no intentions of doing that.

I watch as Clarke goes around the ramp into the tent with the comms unit, most likely setting up a meeting with Jaha.

I fold my arms across my chest and lean back against the drop ship, watching as Octavia approaches the wall, peering out into the forest.

I watch her for a few moments, curious to know if she was behind the grounder escaping. She seemed quite protective over him during the night of the storm.

A figure in peripheral vision makes its way closer to where I stand, and I instantly know that it is Bellamy without even looking up. 

My thoughts stay trapped on Octavia, curious with each passing moment as to whether or not she is to blame with the Grounder escaping our camp. But would she really go behind Bellamy's back? Her own brother, just to save the life of someone who held her hostage for over a day and was content with letting Finn die? Not to mention he may have been the Grounder that speared Jasper our first day here. 

Bellamy stops just behind his sister, draping a blanket over her shoulders, another luxury that Clarke and he found in the bunker, I assume. I watch them for a moment longer before pushing off the drop ship and going over to my tent, wishing to sleep off the day's events. 

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