Chapter 76

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I've never really been one for comforting people. I get that it is a natural instinct for most, just...not for me.

Back on the Ark, when Finn or Raven we're upset of hurt, I would leave it up to the other to cheer them up, always watching from the sidelines to try and learn what to do. But when I was the one upset, they would both be there, Raven with her tight hugs and calming words, Finn with his jokes and (sometimes) wise words.

But I suppose a grazed knee or a bad day doesn't really compare to the death of a mother.

None of us really know what to say to Clarke the coming hours of the Exodus ship crash. News spread across camp like wildfire, as everyone knew Abby Griffin was to be expected on the first ship, and they saw said ship blow up. When it came to consolation however, I suppose that's where delinquents lack in their social etiquette.

"Clarke you don't have to do this," Bellamy tells her.

Around us, a group of gunners, Finn and Raven ready themselves to journey out to the crash site to see what happened.

"Yes I do," is all she says before walking out of the gate.

I hear Bellamy sigh as he watches her before he turns to me and opens his mouth.

"There's no way in hell, I'm staying here, Blake." I declare before has a chance to say anything. "My ankle is fine."

"It's not your ankle I'm worried about," he lowers his voice, "it's your head."

I clench my jaw, "I'm fi—"

"You almost drove yourself into a panic attack no less than two hours ago over the fact you shot a Grounder who was attacking us, I'm not about to hand you a gun and let you go back out there again."

"Then don't give me a gun."

"I'm serious, Chris."

My eyes snaps towards him and he seems to instantly regret his choice of words—or name, in this case—but says nothing, standing his ground.

"I'm going," I say firmly, placing my pack over my shoulders and across my chest, "and you can't stop me."

Having already discarded of my gun the moment I stepped foot into camp, I was back to relying on my axes strapped safely to my belt.

It feels nice to have my hands bare,
walking around carrying a gun isn't exactly comfortable.

The group set out into the woods in a formation with gunners around those—Clarke, Finn, Raven and I—who aren't carrying any.

I suppose not all five of us needed to come on this little expedition, despite leaving Miller in charge it just seemed odd leaving camp so soon after the massacre at the bridge.

I glance around at my silent companions. Of course Clarke was a given to come, as was Bellamy as he goes everywhere of importance to the camp nowadays. I suppose Finn too, to support Clarke in his own complicated way, and Raven is here to confirm the cause of the crash by finding the ship's blackbox.

I guess the only one that actually didn't need to come was me.

It's because you're not important. Don't you get that yet?

My jaw clenches. as I shake my head a little.

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