Chapter 73

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merry christmas ya filthy animals!!

A little while after my conversation with Finn, which wasn't exactly a conversation, my next visitors were Bellamy and Clarke.

I suppress a groan as I see them walk over to me, and instead of doing so I down the last of my drink.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" I stand and look between Bellamy who shrugs, and Clarke who has a displeased look on her face.

"Tell me you haven't been sat here drinking all day, Carter."

"All right, I won't tell you that. So what do you want?"

She sighs and looks between us both, "Finn's set up a meeting with the Grounders."

My first reaction is that Clarke is winding us up (despite that not being in her nature) but I take note of the utter seriousness of her tone. I'm then shocked, but I soon realise that I'm not all that shocked, especially after that weird talk Finn and I had earlier, and then I'm more pissed off that he went behind our backs and risked his life...AGAIN.

"Fucking moron," I hiss, shaking my head.

"I'm leaving to go talk to them."

"Because you figure that impaling people on spears is code for 'let's be friends'?" Bellamy asks her, sarcasm dripping from his words. "Have you lost your damn mind?"

"I think it might be worth a shot," Clarke says to him.

"Yeah," I step closer to her and lower my voice, "or you might just get shot. You know, by a spear?" I explain to her.

"We do have to live with these people," she emphasises.

Bellamy shakes his head, "they'll probably gut you and string you up as a warning."

"Do we have to remind you that they've killed three of our people and severely injured two more?"

"Well, that's why I'm here," Clarke looks between the two of us, and I suddenly realise what it is she needs. "I want you guys to follow us, be our back up."

"Does Finn know about this?"

She pauses then gives Bellamy a small shake of her head, "Finn doesn't need to know."

"Take it from someone who's been in a similar situation," I say to her, "he won't forgive easily for this."

"I know, Carter," Clarke nods at me. "You've just started to mend your relationship with him, if you don't want to—"

"I'll do it," I cut Clarke off, giving her a determined look, "no offence Clarke, but I meant he won't forgive you."

She sighs and nods her head at me slowly, already aware of this fact, "I know." She looks over at Bellamy, "bring guns."

Bellamy nods at her and Clarke turns and walks away from us. Bellamy and I exchange a look before we turn in the other direction, going over to the tent where Raven works on the bullets.

"We should bring someone else with us," I say to Bellamy, "just in case."

He nods, "one step ahead. You sure you wanna do this?" Bellamy asks me as I grab another cup of Unity Juice and down it whilst he grabs a spare gun. "I know today isn't exactly—"

"I'll be fine." I tell him, walking into the tent and leaving him to follow.

"Jasper, you're coming with us," Bellamy walks in and pushes a gun to his chest.

Jasper? I love the kid, but is Bellamy actually serious?

"You handled yourself well in the cave with the grounder."

"I-I mean, I hit him on the head." Jasper runs a hand through his disheveled hair as Bellamy and I reach for some bullets.

"If you're planning on shooting anything you better think twice," Raven stops us, "I haven't checked those yet."

"Then give us some bullets that work." Bellamy asks ever so nicely.

"What do you need them for?"

Bellamy looks over at me and I give Raven a blank look, "your boyfriend's being an idiot."

Raven takes a few bullet packs and hands them to us and says firmly, "then I'm coming with you."

"We should get Clarke." Jasper's words make Bellamy and I stop short and look at Raven.

"Clarke's...with Finn, isn't she?" She realises. Bellamy says nothing and leaves the tent, I send one last look to Raven before following after him.

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