Chapter 15.

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Once we do make it back to camp it's well after dark, and luckily the fire helps to guide us most of the way there.

"That wall better be built soon." I say to no one inparticular as we near camp. "That fire can be seen for miles back."

"We'll get it done tomorrow." Bellamy says from behind, carrying the animal over his shoulder with Murphy's help.

"They're back!" Someone from the camp yells, and everyone suddenly surges forward, waiting to see if we got Jasper or not.

Only a few people are relieved and most are simply shocked, either at the fact we actually found Jasper or from the condition he's in.

"Is he..." Monty stares at his best friend's limp body in Finn and Wells' arms.

"He's alive." Clarke says as she moves aside the tent draped over the door of the drop ship. "I need boiled water and strips of clean cloth for bandages."

"Make sure Clarke gets whatever she needs." I say to a couple delinquents standing nearby, they nod before scurrying away to get the water and cloth.

Bellamy and Murphy walk through and dump the animal on the ground, uncovering it for the delinquents to see.

"Who's hungry?!" Bellamy yells and everyone cheers.

"Yeah Bellamy!" Everyone cheers, causing me to roll my eyes but smile nonetheless when he casually drops and arm over my shoulder, the other around Octavia as she smiles up at him.

"You know." I say to Bellamy as Murphy and couple other guys move the animal to start carving and cooking it. "We could use this to our advantage."

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"Oh, come on, Blake. You're not all beauty and no brains, you figure it out." I smirk look up at him as he frowns, thinking about what I mean. "What's round, silver, and attached to about seventy kids' wrists right about now?"

I watch a smirk form on his face as he catches on. "Food for wristbands. Kinda harsh don't you think?"

I shrug. "Harsh maybe, but definitely effective."

Practically everyone lines up around camp to get food, which means dozens of wristbands lay at my feet as Mbege pries them off, Bellamy and I handing food to them after.

"Woah, woah, hey. Hey." I turn and I see Murpy facing Finn on the other side of the fire, a stick of food in Finn's hand whilst Murphy narrows his eyes. "What you think you play by different rules?"

"I thought there were no rules." Finn replies emotionlessly and turns and stares right at me with a cold look.

He and Clarke walk away, leaving me glaring at him as they do. A kid from the line must've stepped forward to grab some food, because as I turn around, Bellamy stops him and punches him, sending him to the ground.

We lock eyes and he clenches his jaw before walking towards me, then past, his shoulder hitting mine.

I turn and follow him to the side of the drop ship ramp, away from prying ears of the other delinquents.

"Spacewalker's really starting to piss me off." Bellamy says as he faces me, bitterness in his tone.

"Tell me about it." I mutter and fold my arms across my chest.

"So, do something about it."

I raise an eyebrow at him, "Why me? And what the hell is it that you want me to do exactly?"

"I don't know, and I don't care." Bellamy frowns down at me and steps forward in an intimidating manner. "But you two seem to know each other and I don't care how or why--just make sure he knows who's in charge."

"And who is in charge, Blake?" My eyes narrow and I step forward also, the gap between us thin.

"I am."

"We are." I correct quickly. "Don't be so quick to forget that."

"Why not? Hm?" He raises his eyebrows as if to challenge me, and my temper slowly starts to rise. "What can you do to me, Chris?"

"You have no idea what I am capable of." I hiss to him, my eyes cold. "And don't you dare say that name."

"You?" He chuckles and looks down at me. "You're half my size and probably just a common thief."

I realise now what it is Bellamy is trying to do, he wants me to admit to my crime that got me arrested on the Ark. Guess he really isn't all beauty and no brains.

"I know what you're trying to do, Blake, and let me just tell you know that it won't work, so give it up."

"I don't know what you're talking about." He tries to say casually, but his eager eyes give the game away.

I shake my head slightly. "Let it go." I say quietly but firmly. "I'll talk to Finn, but I can't promise anything."

I walk away from Bellamy and towards the fire once more, grabbing my own skewer of food and sitting by self at the side, watching everyone around camp. After a moment, Bellamy returns and carries on swapping wristbands for food, acting like nothing happened to disrupt his leadership skills.

After a little while of sitting by the fire in silence, someone joins me.


I look up when Octavia Blake sits down beside me, a sombre look on her face. I raise an eyebrow at her curiously.

"Can I help you?" I ask, not in a rude tone but I couldn't help but ask, Octavia and I have never really spoken before.

"Have you seen Atom? Bellamy...he saw us earlier and now I can't find him."

A small smirk plays on my lips at her words. "Bellamy 'saw' you guys, huh?"

"It wasn't like that." She blushes, "We were just kissing but, well Bellamy is really protective of me, and...I'm worried he might do something to Atom."

I'm rather shocked that she's confiding in me of all people, especially since this is our first conversation together, but then I remember the question she asked.

"I haven't seen Atom, but..." I trail off when I see Bellamy, Murphy and a couple other guys emerge from the woods with torches, the former with a pissed look on his face. "I'm sure he's fine."

She nods, not receiving the answer she was hoping for and I glance over at her before bringing my knees up to my chest, both of us spending the rest of the evening in a comfortable silence.

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