Chapter 43

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Raven's genius idea was to build flares that will shoot up into the sky, and if we manage to get them high enough, the Ark will see that we sent them, and that we're still alive and Earth is habitable again.

Clarke sent a few of the kids back to camp to spread the word and rally volunteers to help strip the pod of anything we might need to launch the flares.

"I need you two to stay the hell out of my way, got it?" Raven throws to Bellamy and I with a hard look as she passes, and I narrow my eyes.

"What is it you think we'll do, Raven?" I snarl, "Pick up the whole damn pod and throw it in the river?"

"I wouldn't put it past you at this point." She replies with a quirked eyebrow. I grit my teeth and take a step towards her angrily. 

"All right, how about you guys head back to camp?" Clarke suggests, stepping into the gap between us and raising an eyebrow at Bellamy and I.

"Good idea." Bellamy nods, placing a hand on my arm. "Come on, Trouble. Let's get you home."

I begrudgingly allow Bellamy to pull me away from the area and through the trees back to camp, some point along the way his hand falls from its grip on my arm to my hand instead, intertwining our fingers.

"I can't believe her." I say out loud as I frown at the dirt beneath me.

"Raven?" Bellamy glances down at me when I angrily kick at a tree root we pass.

"It's been four years since we last saw each other, and she's acting like it's my fault."

"Well you were the one who got arrested."

"And now she's come down here and acts surprised to see me? I mean I get that she primarily did it to be with Finn again, but she knew I was here too, because hello, where else would I be?"

"Ever occur to you that she was just shocked in a happy way?"

"But then she finds out I drowned the radio and now I'm a traitor? How the fuck was I supposed to know the Council would decide to go on power trip and kill three hundred people?"

"You didn't--we didn't. Look, Raven is just pissed that we broke into her pod and stole her radio, but you're still her friend, she can't stay mad at you about this forever. You just gotta give her time and let her--"

"And then of course there's the whole thing with Bellamy."

"Wait, what?"

"And I don't even know where to start when it comes to him. I mean, we started off as allies in a sort of twisted and forced way, then we became actual allies, and now we're friends? And I don't even wanna think about the whole hand-holding thing because that's just entirely different headache. Scratch that, anything to do with Bellamy gives me a headache...or is it butterflies? Maybe both? Ugh I don't even know and I can't even deal with that right now."

I sigh and run my free hand through my hand frustratedly before turning to Bellamy who seems to be contemplating something.

"Did you say something Bell?" I ask.

Since when did I start to call him 'Bell'? That has always been Octavia's nickname for him, but then again, when did he start calling me Chris?

"Uh." Bellamy clears his throat. "No. No, don't worry about it."

I nod and continue to think about everything. It's all just too much, all I want is one drama free day but it seems that's never gonna happen.

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