Chapter 67

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chapters 66, 67, & 68 have all been updated!

When Raven enters my tent, I'm sitting with my knees pulled up to my chest, my arms wrapped tight around them with my chin resting on the top of my knees.

"Hey," her voice reaches my ears but doesn't spark anything within me to move, "you okay?"

When I'm silent, she moves closer and places her hand on my arm.


"I'm fine." Lie.

Raven nods. "I'm guessing whatever has everyone else out here acting weird, it affected you too, huh?"

That sparks my interest.

"What?" I lift my head up to look at her.

"I'm not sure what it was, but pretty much everyone is out of their minds hallucinating, Finn and I are trying to keep everyone in check, so if you're feeling okay we could use some help."

It was a hallucination, but it felt so real.

"Chris?" Raven asks, before shaking her head. "Don't worry about it, just stay in here and rest, okay?"

I sit silent as she leaves, and return my chin back into my knees, drowning out the sounds of everyone in the camp.

There's a lot of chatter and laughter, some crying too, and the lights from the fires around camp illuminate through the tent, casting shadows.

I sit alone for a while, letting my father's words sink in deeper, infecting me, but Miller's voice gains my attention.

"He's gone! The grounder's gone!"

I quickly shuffle around and climb out of my tent, walking over to the drop ship where Miller walks down from the tent.

Chaos arises the instant his words sink in around camp, and everyone starts shouting about how unsafe we are now, and how the grounders could attack at any moment.

"Let the grounders come!"

I turn as the sea of delinquents parts, allowing Bellamy and Clarke into the middle of the circle.

A part of me is glad to see them both alive--despite the fresh cuts and bruises they both sport on their faces--but something at the back of my mind nags at me, my father's words.

You're just some girl who tags along. They're the real leaders around here.

"We've been afraid of them for far too long." Bellamy continues. "And why, 'cos of their knives and spears? Well I don't know about you, but I'm tired of being afraid."

Bellamy and Clarke share a look before lifting the objects they carry from their shoulders and onto the ground before them.

A wave of gasps and surprised 'woah's go around camp, and even I have to admit I'm shocked at what they produce.


They must have found them in the bunker, but what surprises me is that Clarke actually agreed to bring them back to camp.

"These are weapons, okay? Not toys." She voices, "and we have to be prepared to give them up to the guard when they come down."

Yeah, good luck with that one.

On the Ark, firearms were restricted to guard members only, and they weren't something you could get off the market either, like moonshine or morphling.

It makes me wonder how Bellamy got the gun he used to shoot Chancellor Jaha. It's not like he had one lying around.

"But for now, they're gonna help keep us safe."

"And there's plenty more where these came from." Bellamy says. "Tomorrow we start training, and if the grounders come...we'll be ready."

Silence hangs over the camp as everyone absorbs the information.

A few weeks ago we were just kids waiting to die, instead we get sent down here, defenceless and told to survive for the good of the Ark. And now here we are, using weapons our ancestors left behind to use in a war against Earth's inhabitants.

I guess what comes around, goes around.

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