Chapter 40

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"What did you mean when you said Finn and I are on the same...vibe?" Bellamy asks as we continue to jog through the trees in search of the pod. I sigh as I step over a protruding root.

"Before we talked, or argued or whatever you wanna call it, the same thing happened between Finn and I."

"Well...doesn't it always?" Bellamy frowned. "You guys always seem to be in the middle of some disagreement."

"Yeah," I nod, "but this was different. Finn is my closest friend, my brother, you know that, so having him judge me and belittle me on the things I've been doing wrong it just--"

"Hey," Bellamy places a hand on my arm and stops me from moving any further, causing me to look up at him, "you've not done anything wrong."

"Bellamy." I say seriously. "I've caused three kids to die--"

"No you haven't." He says sternly and quickly. "Chris, Atom was not your fault, he didn't have to stop and help you, he did it himself. And Wells and Charlotte...they were not your fault. I know Charlotte said she wanted to be like you, but by that she meant be brave and strong, which is exactly what you are and what she was when she took her own life. That isn't on you, so don't blame yourself."

I nod silently, stunned by his words that I can't think of a response. Bellamy's eyebrows knit together as he scans my face, his yes lingering on my lips which cause me to look at his.

Is he going to kiss me?

Do I want him to kiss me?


Wait, no.

Don't be stupid, Chris, it's Bellamy.

Right, it's Bellamy. Stubborn, arrogant, annoying, bossy, strong, caring, hellishly cute, Bellamy.

The sound of static somewhere nearby snaps us both out of our dazes and we take off running again, our moment forgotten about as we continue on with our task at hand.

I mentally curse myself for my previous thoughts, now is not the time to start being all...girly and emotional.

We break into a faster run when we get to the edge of the woods near the river bank, the pod sitting still on the rocks.

"Pod one, pod one. This is Ark Station Medical."

"The radio." I mutter as we stop outside the door of the pod.

"Stand back" I do as Bellamy says and watch as he pulls open the door to the pod and peering in, but I frown when he freezes.

I duck under his arm and crouch beside him to see in, gasping when I see a person sitting inside the pod. They're in a full body suit, the helmet has a few cracks on it with fresh blood stains, and their head is lulled to the side so we can't see their face.

"So much for supplies." Bellamy mutters under his breath. I look around the pod and notice there was nothing of use to us.

The radio continues to receive transmissions from the Ark, and the sound seems to stir the pilot. I glance down as Bellamy produces a knife from his side, holding it firmly in his hand whilst staring intensely at the pilot. I quickly place my hand over his, drawing his attention.

I give small shake of my head and his features soften at the action, before he reaches down and cuts the radio from the pod, cutting off the transmission.

I breathe a small sigh of relief. Another death is not what we need right now.

Bellamy grabs my hand and passes me the radio to hold while he slams the door of the pod shut. "Come on." He grabs my free hand and leads us over to a deeper part of the river.

We stand side by side in front of the water, the pod suddenly feeling heavy in my hand. If we do this, that's it. The Ark believes Earth isn't survivable, and we're stuck on our own.

I feel Bellamy lace his fingers with mine, giving my hand a small squeeze before he reaches over with his free hand and takes the radio from me, pausing as he has the same thoughts as me.

I place my hand on the radio also, both of us holding it. Bellamy looks up at me and I give him a small nod, together, we throw the radio into the water. I breathe out what is either a relived or scared sigh, but I'm not sure which.

Bellamy steps back, our joined hands pulling me along with him as we leave the scene of the crime.

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