Chapter 61

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"How long was I out?" I ask Clarke after putting down the now empty cup of water she brought me.

With their help the girls had managed to help me sit up against the wall, letting my head rest against the cool metal behind me.

"A couple of days."

"Days?!" I exclaim and run my hands over my face in frustration. "Okay, fill me in, what's the storm damage like? Is the wall still intact? What about the grounder, have you and Bellamy figured out what we're doing with him yet? And what about the radio--"

"Woah, woah," Clarke holds her hands out to me, "slow down, Carter."

"I can't 'slow down', Clarke." I shake my head at her. "I need to get out there and help."

I make a move to stand, pulling my right leg up and putting pressure on my foot to push myself up.

Big mistake.

The second I put pressure on my ankle a shot of pain surged from it, causing me to cry out and lean back, lifting it up off the floor.

Raven grabs a hold of me, and Clarke helps to stretch my leg out, carefully setting my ankle back onto the padding I hadn't noticed it was on.

"Easy." She tells me, "it's just a sprain, but you have to rest, you agitated it way too much."

"I'm sick of resting." I spit out, looking up at the metal ceiling. "And I'm sick of metal."

Raven sighs and looks over at Clarke, "I can get a couple guys to put her tent back up? We can move you into there."

I mumble a few curse words at the fact my tent got destroyed and Clarke sighs.

"Yeah, that's a good idea. I'll sit with her for a while."

"I don't need babysitting." I roll my eyes.

"I don't feel comfortable leaving you alone, not with a concussion." Clarke shakes her head at me and I sigh, nodding.

Raven gives me a wink, "don't sweat, I'll be back in a bit. You hungry?"

"Starving." I tell her.

She chuckles, "all right."

"Thanks Ray." I smile at her as she climbs down the ladder, but it fades when I see Clarke giving me an off look. "What?"

"You two seem to be getting along well."

I nod sombrely, "we're getting there."

"Good. You know, we took shifts on watching you, and Raven did it the most. She was really worried about you." She pauses as she studies me, "we were all really worried about you, Carter."

I look down at my lap, fiddling with my fingers. "I didn't know it was that bad." I tell her truthfully. "Besides, we had bigger problems."

"You still should've told me you weren't feeling right, and lying whenever we asked you about it."

I look up at her, my voice quiet, "sorry."

Clarke raises an eyebrow and smirks slightly. "Wow, did Chris Carter just say sorry? And to me of all people, you must really have a concussion."

"Yeah well, don't get used to it, blondie."

We both laugh, the feeling lifting my spirits considerably. Clarke is silent for a moment but when I look at her I can tell she's having an internal debate.

"Spit it out, Griffin." I tell her. "I can tell there's something you want to say."

She looks down briefly before catching my eye. "I was just wondering if you're doing okay...after everything that happened, I mean."

"You mean after I gave Bellamy permission to torture that grounder?" I rephrase for her, my voice blatant. "After I tortured him?"

"Yeah." Clarke's voice is quiet, "basically."

I look away from her, keeping my gaze on the foil insulation underneath me.

"I'm fine."

"No you're not." Clarke shakes her head at me, "you're strong, Carter, but you're not invincible. You're not okay right now, but you will be."

I remain silent as I let Clarke's words sink in, nodding after a moment.

Maybe she's right, maybe I will be okay.

After Raven returns with news of my tent being re-built, and some food rations that I devour in minutes, a loud yawn escapes me.

"It's weird," Raven shakes her head at me once the loud, animal like sound has left my body, "but I've actually missed that."

I laugh before shaking my head, "I've just slept for two days, how much more can I need?"

"Your body is exhausted, and you stressing out over the state of the camp isn't helping." Clarke scolds. "Get some rest and you'll be back on your feet in no time. Or well...foot."

"All right." I nod, ignoring the foot comment and shook shuffling down onto my back and letting my head rest against a rolled up blanket. "But I want you two out of here, watching me sleep is a whole new level of creepy."

Thankfully neither of them protest, and barely a second after they disappear down the ladder my eyes flicker closed, my mind shutting off easily.

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