Chapter 94

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When I wake up, the first thing I notice is the pain that shoots up from my left arm. The feeling is as if someone has stuck a red hot blade into it and twisted it around a lot. Then repeated the action. Twice. The second thing I notice is that I'm still in the drop ship, but no longer tied to the ladder like I was when I last remember.

I groan loudly, though I think it sounds more of a whine. I'm not too sure, nor do I care.

"Hey," A blonde head pops into my line of sight, relieved yet anxious eyes staring back at me, "you're okay, Carter."

"Oh, god," I groan, "I'm dead, aren't I?"

Clarke's face morphs into pure confusion, "no...The bullet is out and I've bandaged you up. Though, you lost a lot of blood, which is probably why you're—"

"Clarke?" I say sceptically. "You're..." I scan my eyes across her face, she's cut and bruised and her once shiny hair has become seriously dirty in our time on Earth, "alive?"

Her face softens and she nods, "yeah, and so are you. Wanna try and sit up?" I nod slightly, though it makes my eyes go funny due to the light headedness.

Clarke places a hand on my back and helps me to sit up. I'm lying on a table on the opposite side of the room from where I was shot. My eyes fall at the base of the ladder.

"Murphy shot me," I whisper. I look up at Clarke and she nods, I quickly furrow my eyebrows in anger. "Where is he?"

"Gone. He blew a hole into the side of the ship and took off."

I scoff, "sounds like him." Realisation suddenly dawns on me. "Holy crap—Bellamy! Clarke—"

"He's okay," Clarke rushes to tell me, placing her hand on my right arm to stop me from moving. "Bellamy is okay. He's alive."

I sigh in relief and relax only slightly, not having the energy to fight with her by saying that being alive and being okay are two very completely different things.

"Where is he?" I ask quietly.

"Outside," Clarke seems reluctant to tell me why, but she does. "He's packing his woke up at the right time. We have to leave the camp."

"Leave the camp?" I repeat with a frown, "why would we—"

I cut myself off when a person I had disregarded—to my complete disbelief—walks into the drop ship. My eyes go wide and I curse myself over and over again for not thinking of him the moment I saw Clarke.


"Chris," Finn rushes over to my side with his eyes wide. "Thank God, you're awake. I was so worried."

I run my eyes hurriedly over Finn, he's shaken up a bit, like Clarke, but he's walking and talking and breathing. That's all that counts.

I swallow thickly and nod at him, furious with myself for not asking after him sooner, but relieved to see him alive.

"You're alive," I hadn't realised I said it until his face softens and he nods at me.

"Yeah," he laughs softly. "We both are."

Whether he was talking about himself and Clarke or the two of us, I wasn't sure. I didn't really want to know, either.

"What's happening?" I ask them both, "why are we leaving camp?"

Clarke seems to hesitate and looks at Finn, who looks at her before sighing and turning to me.

"Short version, because we don't have the time." I nod at him to continue. "Clarke and I were taken by some Grounders, Lincoln saved us but not before we found out that there is an army headed this way and preparing to attack at dawn. We're leaving and heading to an ocean, East of here."

"An army?" I repeat, my face fallen with shock. "Of Grounders? A Grounder army? And they're headed our way?!"

"How much blood did she lose?" Finn asks Clarke.

"A lot," Clarke tells him before facing me. "Your things are packed, you need to eat before we leave, do you think you'll be okay to walk? We don't have time to make another stretcher."

"No, I-I don't understand," I say. "We knew the Grounders would retaliate—we've been preparing for this! We can't just—"

"Carter," Clarke says firmly. "With the numbers they have along with their skills, we won't survive the attack. Leaving is our best and only option." I nod slowly, I have no right to try and protest and besides, I trust Clarke. "Good. Now, are you feeling okay to walk?"

I nod again and start to move off the table, swinging my legs around and gritting my teeth together. "Yeah, I'll be fine—wait, what did you mean another stretcher? What happened to the one we have?"

Clarke and Finn both suddenly look guilty, as if they've forgotten to tell me something important. Though, what's more important than an army of Grounders headed our way, I'm not sure.

"You didn't tell her?" Finn says harshly.

"I thought it would be better coming from you," Clarke tells him.

"Will one of you just tell me?" I snap, before I breathe out in stunned shock. There, lying on the main table on the other side of the room, was Raven. "Oh my god," I whisper.

How did I not see her sooner? And why is it that everyone I care about has been put into mortal danger within the past two days?!

I try to move off the table to go to her, but my balance is completely off whack. Finn firmly grips my arm—the one that didn't have a bullet in it, thankfully—and steadies me.

"Whoa, easy."

I look down and realise that my left arm is in a makeshift sling, limiting my movement of it, not that I would want to with the pain that surges every few moments.

"You lost a lot of blood, Carter," Clarke tells me. "You have to take it easy."

"What happened to her?" I ask, not sure of my own voice as I watch Raven's sleeping form. The last time I saw her this vulnerable was when she was sleeping in a hammock due to the virus Murphy had brought with him.

"You weren't the only victim of Murphy's rifle," Clarke says. "Raven was down below trying to rig the door open."

My jaw involuntary clenches hard. "Is she okay?"

The hesitation in the air was enough for me to whirl my head to Clarke, though I instantly regret it as my head swirls.

"Clarke," I say.

"The bullet's out," Clarke tells me, "I cauterised the wound, but there's no telling if there's any internal damage. Any movement from her could make it worse...we have to get her someplace safe so she can heal properly."

I look back over at Raven and feel my heart deflate. Why had Raven gotten the worse wound? Lord knows I deserve that suffering more than she does.

Fearless (Bellamy Blake - Book 1)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα