Let's talk it out

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It's more than half way through summer and Connor still won't talk to me. Or Jackie. Jp won't talk to me much either. Even Aiden won't talk to me now becuase Jackie broke up with him. I know a normal person would be over this by now but I still feel horrible. It's the beginning of August, last year of high school is almost here, and I still can't get over it.

The only person who will talk to me is Jacob. At firsr though he wouldn't say a word but then he warmed up to me. I rememer it like it was yesterday. I went to the gym and he just happened to be there and that's where I told him. 

So now I just listen to sad songs, cry my eyes out, and cuddle on the couch with Jacob when he comes over. My mom and dad have been away on business for a while so its just me and my cat, Snickers, in the house.

I lost my two best friends and my boyfriend....


I lay on the back patio, Snickers on my stomach, listening to 'Skinny Love' by Birdie when the house phone started ringing from inside. I picked up Snickers and lazily walked in the house to pick it up. 


"Hello Ava. It's your mom."

"Oh hi mom," I said my voice lifting slightly.

"Listen, your dad and I are coming on Wednesday to pack everthing up."

"What do you mean?"


"Ava we're moving. On Friday. Your father and I got a new position in London and you have oto come along too."

I hung up the phone after that and walked up the stairs to my room. Moving? Well its not like anyone will miss me. I lost almost everyone I know so why worry?

Jacob? What will he think? Will he miss me? Will he care?

I looked outside my bedroom window. It's too late and too rainy to go see him now. I shrugged and walked to the kitchen to make some ramen noodles for dinner. As I sat down to eat the phone began to ring again. I picked up knowing that it would be my mom complaining about hanging up on her.

"Young lady that was very rude of you to hang up on me like that." I could sense her scowling over the phone.

"Sorry mom. It just schcked me a bit that's all."

"Well you better get packing Ava. Don't leave me to do all the work."

This time she hung up first leaving me hanging on the other end. I sighed and set down the phone to finish eating my noodles. I smirked and decided to dial my moms number again. It rang once and she picked up.

"Young lady that was very rude of you to hang up on me like that," I mocked her. she began laughing over the phone. My mom and I always have these funny little things we do to each other.

I miss her...

"Very funny Ava. are you ok though? You seemed prettt bummed when I first called."

"Boyfriend problems."

"YOU HAD A BOYFRIEND?! You never told me any of this? Why?"

"It only lasted for about a month so I didn't bother. I know your busy."

"Oh sweetie I'm never too busy for my little girl. Let's talk it out out, hmmm?"

I nodded over the phone and spent that evening talking through everything with my mom. Thank God I have a mom that understands this type of stuff.

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