I'm coming home!

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School is over and I'm already packing to go back to California. I'm sooooo excited. But sad at the same time. I'll be leaving Parker. I don't wanna leave him but I have to. I want to get a good education so I can have a good job and live a good life.

The only people I won't be leaving is Lucille and Adam because they chose Stanford as well. I'm happy that I'll be able to spend my college years with them. I haven't told Jacob that I'm coming back yet though. I want it to be a big surprise. He called me this morning to tell me he was accepted into Stanford. I didn't spill the news of course.


I slowly duct taped up my boxes filled with clothes and pictures from England. For some reason I wanted to see if I had developed a accent since I've been here. I walked over to my vanity mirror and began speaking random words.




"What the heck are you doing?"

I nearly jumped out my skin when I heard Lucille's voice behind me. "Don't scare me like that!" "Sorry," she giggled at the floor. "Why are you still here? Like....I'm confused?," I quoted a vine by Young Poppy. We both burst out laughing and fell down rolling around on the floor.

"GIRLS YOU BETTER BE PACKING UP THERE! YOU KNOW WE LEAVE TOMORROW!," my mothers voice boomed from downstairs. Her and Parker were downstairs playing on my Playstation 3. My mom was absolutely obsessed with Little Big Planet Karting.

I rolled onto my stomach to look at Lucille. "Do I have an accent?" "Yeah but very slight," she replied. I grinned and stood up fist pumping the air. "We should probably pack." I nodded and continued to duct tape boxes.


"Parker can you let go of me please. I'm still packing," I complained. I had been standing here now for nearly 10 mintues with Parker hugging me. I knew he was missing me already. I did too but I really needed to finish up before mom came home or else I'll be toast. 

"I'm sorry. I'm just really gonna miss you. More than you can imagine." "I understand but I need to finish packing," I said trying to hold back tears. "Oh dear God I'm gonna miss you," I sobbed. I broke down on the couch in tears. I pulled parker down with me and hugged him. We just stayed there wrapped in each others arms. 

"Are you two finished or can we keep packing?," Adam asked us as began stacking already packed boxes. I sniffled, pulled away from Parker. and nodded at him. We both stood up and helped out with stacking. I wasn't much help though becuase when the boxes get too high my height doesn't really cooperate with me like I want it to. Curse my height disadvantage.

The front door swung open revealing my mother and father with their professional attire and brief cases. I shuddered thinking that one day that will be me. "Hi honey! Almost finished up?" I stepped back from my work and looked at everything. I had spent all yesterday and today packing my belongings. 

I walked over to mom and dad and gave them two bigs hugs. "Yeah I'm done. Are you guys all packed already?," I motioned to Lucille and Adam who were sitting on the couch with sodas and game controlers. They nodded in sync and went back to their game of whatever the heck they were playing. 

"How about we all go out for a celebration!," my mom cheered in excitement. "Mom we went out yesterday," I reminded her. "Yeah but that was like a pre-celebration." "Fine." 

We all piled into the mini-van since we are a pretty big group and Lucille, Adam, and Parker's parents are coming too. We got to a resturant called ICING. Once we got a table big enough for our group we all celebrated by stuffing ourselves with food, drinking (But not too much), and desserts. It was a great night and I hope I dont wake up wanting to throw up. Ewwww....


I stood by the airpost entrance in Parker's arms as we embraced for proabably the millionth time since we left home. He kept kissing my cheek saying its national kiss day even though it's not. I didn't mind one bit though. He was one of the many friends I had made here in London and I'll never forget him. I know I'm saying that as if I'll never see him again because I know I will. He says he might transfer to Stanford later in the year or next year. I hope he does. It will be awesome having all my friends and I going to the same university. 

"So I'll see you in about a year or so?" "For sure," He winled down at me. I got up on my tip does and gave him a light kiss. We hugged one more time before I rolled my bags into the airport. Once I got inside I felt a presence behind me. I turned around to see Parker had followed me in. "You can't come with me the whole way you know," I cocked my head to the side. He nodded and helped me wirh my back to self check-in. Adam and Lucille were already checking on their large bags. They were tired on waiting for me outside. 


I said a final goodbye to Parker and told him I would call him when I get home. "Ava get your butt over here! We'll miss the flight," Lucille yelled. "Coming!" I gave Parker one last peck on the cheek before heading off to catch up with Lucille and Adam who are most likely seated already. 

When I got on the plane I just sat back, put on my headphones and waited becuase guess what.

I'm coming home.




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