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Jungkook's POV

She jumped.

She jumped off a fifteen story building. My eyes widened and I ran as fast as I could to the stairs and jumped down half of them. Jin, Jimin and the rest did the same. The manager sees us running towards the door. "Guys!! What's going on?! Where's Sunmae?!" Jin explains to him what happened and he grabs some security guards and runs with us. By the time they caught up to me, I'm already heading into the woods.

"Sunmae?! Sunmae, Where are you?!" I scream. I get no response. I run my hand though my hair nervously. "SUNMAE?!" I scream again. Still no response. I begin to run again. I run until I hear Jin scream in horror. My eyes widened and I started running towards Jin.

I see Jin on his knees hovering over something. I hear Jin sobbing softly and I see him shaking with his phone dialing three numbers.


I move closer, suddenly feeling my lungs taking in less air and my breathing hitching. Jin looks up with tears down his face and looks at me. "I-I'll get the others...." He says shaky and walks off. I look after him, then turn my head and look over to see what Jin was crying over. My eyes instantly water and fill up with tears.

Now I understand why Jin was crying.

It was Sunmae's  limp, cold, and bloody body.

I rush to her side and kneel next to her. There's a pool of blood around her head and her side. I take off my jacket and place it on her side. I press down on it and I get her blood on my hands. I feel tears falling down my face.

I feel my sobs building in my throat. Then I here footsteps coming towards me. I can't hold in my cries anymore. I move the jacket and it's soaked in Sunmae's blood. Her wound hasn't stopped bleeding at all. Then the paramedics came and forcefully moved me away from her.

"NO! LET ME GO! SHE NEEDS ME!!" I scream. I try to fight my way back to her, but it's no use. "SIR! CALM DOWN! I NEED YOU TO BACK AWAY!!" One of the paramedics yelled at me. Then Taehyung and Jimin grab me and hold me back. I stopped fighting and just let the paramedics put Sunmae on a stretcher and run off back to the Arena. I get up and run after them. The others are behind me, following suit. They have machines hooked up to her in the ambulance. I rush to the ambulance and try to get in, then the female paramedic pushes me back out.

"Sir there is not enough room. We will meet you at the hospital." I shake my head frantically. "No. I have to come with her! She needs me! I have to be in there with her!" I say in a shaky tone. "Sir what she needs right now is a miracle. That's what she needs." The female paramedic says. I froze as the ambulance drove off at full speed with the sirens blaring. I watch as the ambulance drives off. I stand in place with tears running down my face.

"I'll go tell the fans that a tragedy has happened and that their money will be refunded..." Bang PDNim says. He walks off towards the Arena. Jin grabs my shoulders and steers me to the car so we could head home.


Everyone has walked through the front doors. I am the last one to walk through, so I close the door. The others were in the other room whispering, but when they heard the door close, the whispering instantly stopped. I trudged down the hallway to where the guys were. I turn to walk up the stairs, but I'm stopped by Hoseok. "Jungkook... We're going to the hospital to go visit her... Are you coming with us??" I hesitate, but answer. "Yeah. I'll meet you guys there. I have to take care of something first." I say. Jin and Jimin look at me suspiciously. "Like what Jungkook?" I ignore Jin's question and continue to walk up the stairs.

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