°~《Chapter Two》~°☆

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I was not expecting to wake up so warm. Well, I wasn't expecting to wake up at all, but the heat had grabbed my attention first. What I noticed next was the cramped container I had been shoved in. It was completely dark and very smooth to the touch. The way the walls hugged my body was strangely comforting and caused my eyes to droop shut.

It didn't feel like much time had passed when faint voices outside the container startled me awake. I hadn't even realized I had fallen asleep.

I listened carefully until the voices faded away completely. The silence was then occupied with a light hum that whispered to by tired mind to fall back asleep. I tried to resist the urge to shut my eyes, but it was no good. Sleep took me into its arms once again.

The next time I woke up, I was filled with a surge of anxiety. My head was clear and I was no longer teetering on the edge of unconsciousness.

The surrounding walls seemed to have compressed around me as I slept. I couldn't tell if that was the cause of my anxiety, but either way it was far too cramped to stay in that container any longer.

Another wave of intense anxiety hit after thinking about the walls closing in around me. It became absolutely clear that I needed out of that container pronto.

I pushed against the smooth walls with all my strength. Despite the endless amount of sleep I received, I had no energy to spare. Pushing again, I felt with my hands for any kind of opening to freedom.

I continued to push, but I had the feeling there was something incredibly wrong. My anxiety only increased when I couldn't place what exactly was wrong.

Pausing for a breather, I felt as if I was suffocating in the sticky air I had been rebreathing for who knew how long. The situation reminded me far too much of Florida and my unagreeable aunt who lived there. 

After the short break, I put all of my weight into shoving with my foot and was rewarded with the quiet sound of a crack. When no commotion was made outside the container, I silently wondered if that was actually the sound of my prison breaking and not just my joints popping in relief.

I pushed again and this time felt the container under my foot break away. A rush of fresh air flooded in around me. My lungs sang in sweet relief and I took the time to rest with the small victory.

I waited until my heart was no longer threatening to beat itself out of my chest and then pushed one more time. It was like my prison had exploded and with nothing to grab on to for support, I fell onto my stomach.

My anxiety started to creep back as I couldn't see a single thing around me. All I could do was lay there as my eyes failed to adjust to the darkness. Concentrating as hard as I was, I could now hear the voices around me more clearly.

I first heard a lady's soft tone, "Is she alright?"

A different female voice spoke up, "She hasn't gotten up yet. Something must be wrong."

"Someone should talk to her." This man's voice was closer to me than the others.

"Good idea, Dan. You talk to her." The first lady's voice got a few laughs in response.

"What?! Why me?"

"You brought it up and you're the closest."

"Fine fine. I'll talk to her." The man said giving in.

I waited for only a few moments before I heard the man's voice again. It sounded more concentrated this time.

"Hey, you alright?"

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