°~《Chapter Twenty-One》~°

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The questions flooded my ears as I slowly drowned from how overwhelming they were. My only saving grace was the fact they were quickly running out of things to inquire about. What they asked mainly pertained to what the "fire lizards" liked to do in the park as well as how an intelligent species like ourselves got along. Any other type of question was erased from my mind as I quickly forgot, simply with how fast they were asking their next round of questions.

Apparently humans weren't the only creatures with problematic societies and constant wars among themselves and my caretakers were interested in how we maintained our peace. I kept my answer short by telling them we had open feelings about everything. If we didn't like something, we'd try to come to an agreement that would make both parties happy.

In truth, there never really were any huge disagreements between us dragonets. With the mind link, our thoughts were practically an open book that left nothing completely unattended. My only hope was that through the future generations, someone wouldn't come along to destroy that peace. Though, as long as we raised our children correctly, it was unlikely something like that would actually happen.

I was relieved when the questions eventually completely died down and morphed into a mellow conversation. Answering questions back to back was extremely tiring.

Marcy was the one instigating the flow while tidying up the area around her, "We're planning on heading back up to my sister's place today. You like Terra, right?"

I looked up from the sketch I was doodling in the sand, "I remember Terra. She kept to herself most of the day when I was there, but I don't have any problems with her."

I looked back down at my random lines in the sand and realized I had no idea what I was even drawing. I tried tilting my head to the side for a different angle, though that didn't do much. Maybe a whale with stripes? Or possibly a fat tiger balloon?

I huffed and erased the weird picture like an old etch a sketch. Without practicing for so many years, my skills had become very rusty.

Turning over my little egg, I peered outside the large window which was placed near the front door. It was pouring down in buckets, just as I'd predicted.

Tuskon was walking through the house, grabbing different weapons to move to the side room. I decided to mess with him a bit.

Facing his direction, I called out to him, "Have you ever seen the rain?"

Tuskon was confused and looked outside the window before turning back to face me, "Yes. It's not an uncommon occurrence on this planet."

I continued, "Have you ever seen the rain, coming down on a sunny day?"

My caretaker really had no idea what I was talking about, "No? But I've heard of it being common elsewhere."

Tuskon walked around the sitting room and put more objects away, "This is the first time you've seen rain, isn't it?"

I responded swiftly with my half lie, "It's the first time seeing it with my own eyes. Dan would usually be the one who would share images of what everything around me looked like. Seeing it myself is much better though."

Tuskon nodded and added another weapon to his already large armfull, "I'd imagine so."

I continued to watch as they both ran around the room cleaning different things. Humor trickled through my tired body as I thought back to the song I referenced to my alien caretakers.

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