°~《Chapter Ten》~°

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Today was the day. I've been waiting for this night from the very first moment I heard of the invitation.

Tuskon and Marcy were both dressed fairly nicely for this occasion. Dan and I were given fancier harnesses to wear for this event as well. I think Dan would have looked cuter if he was given a little bow tie though.

This entire week we've been practicing staying on Tuskon's shoulder without a leash. It would make us look better to everyone if we weren't held down like wild animals, even though that's what we were mere months ago.

Before we left, I "accidently" got a flower stuck in one of the harness straps. I'd usually put flowers in my hair as a human, but I don't have hair to do it now so I had to improvise. Luckily, Macry thought it looked nice so she convinced Tuskon to keep it there. The power a wife has over her husband is amazing.

The celebration and the ceremony was taking place on the night of the full moon. The Kymari saw the patterns the moon went through and were able to chart it just as well as the humans had. I couldn't read their writing so it could very well have been even better than the human version. Who knows?

We walked through a gate into an open garden. Dan sent me an image of the scene. It was a very dark area lit up with thousands of tiny floating suns. It was as if fireflies could be their own spotlights.

The garden itself was a beauty to behold. I simply couldn't count how many different flowers, trees, and other plants were present. They all came together as a giant masterpiece unto itself. Their buildings were hideous, but this one place made up for it all. If the Garden of Eden were real, this is what it would probably look like.

I wanted to cry for how beautiful it was. The artist inside of me was screaming with joy. It gave me such inspiration that I just wanted to let my imagination flow a river onto a canvas.

I let the image linger in my mind for a while longer until Dan sent me another one. Beyond the garden was where the main event was taking place. Family and friends alike were enjoying each others company along with eating the refreshments set out on various tables.

The family of the night were front and center talking to everyone who passed by. There were so many gifts set out for Phugesh's new daughter. A lot of them looked like some kind of weapon. It was all like a glorified baby shower.

I clicked frantically trying to take in as much of my surroundings as possible. There was just so much to take in. I was feeling just a little overwhelmed. I also felt very underdressed for such a glorious occasion. Oh yeah. I'm just a dragon...

Tuskon must have thought my clicking to be of nervousness as he began to stroke my back. "Calm down. There's no danger here."

I slowed my clicking for the sake of Tuskon. I didn't need him all riled up on my behalf. If he thought I was nervous and on edge, they might never let me close to Spikey Head's child!

We walked into the center of the party and were greeted by many Kymari. I straightened my back and puffed out my chest. My form was still that of a tiny dragon, but I did not want to be viewed as weak.

I was glad to not have seen any of the echo signatures from Tuskon's or Marcy's other "friends". They weren't very deserving of the right to come to an event like this.

We walked through the crowd of Kymari until we came to the table in the front. Phugesh and his mate were sitting together with their daughter in a little stroller like crib in between them. Tuskon handed a gift to Phugesh and Marcy gave her gift to the mother.

When Tuskon started to walk away, I had to take one last look back. I didn't even get a glimpse of the new born child. I hoped I got another chance to be that close again, but actually long enough to see her smile.

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