°~《Chapter Twenty》~°

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We arrived on the planet's surface right on schedule. I was very glad that it was peaceful upon our return. The sky was dark with the birds still quietly asleep. I could see and smell the morning dew glistening like stars under the scattered moonlight as it covered the fresh green grass.

Breathing in, I started comparing Earth's atmosphere to the other planet's. If I had to call it anything, breathing on Earth felt fluffy while the other air felt thick or sharp.

My egg was safely tucked away inside the heat box that I still had no clue how to open. Knowing where it was plus the fact we were back home had me more naturally relaxed than I had been in a long time. If it wasn't for the oiling I received everyday, I could have possibly gone mad from all the stress a long time ago.

We just stood on the loading dock for a few minutes as I cherished the feeling of oxygen in my lungs. I could feel a cool breeze coming from the north, a possibility for a storm later on. A little bit of rain wouldn't be too bad right now.

Tuskon started walking as I continued to enjoy the scenery around me. The dark sky above us didn't look any different from the evening sky on the previous planet. However, I knew that in just a short amount of time the differences would show their true colors.

I wanted to look at the constellations I had missed for so long, though the cloudy sky prevented me from seeing much. Instead, I settled with simply admiring the dark clouds I could barely see. These were just a few of the many things I've been starved of through these many sightless years.

Noticing Tuskon's silence, I glanced down to watch him as he walked lost in thought. He seemed to do that a lot lately.

I shifted my weight on his shoulder, "Are you going to tell Marcy?"

Tuskon's expression didn't change as my mind voice suddenly entered his thoughts, "Would you rather her not know?"

I sat up straighter in surprise, "Oh, no! I'm actually all for it. In fact, I'd prefer it if she knew."

Tuskon nodded, "As long as you're alright with it."

Our conversation died down and I started humming as I took in my surroundings. It wasn't any particular song, but it felt like I knew the tune from somewhere. The wordless song carried my drifting mind all the way back home.

The tune had ended as we turned a corner and the house came into view. The pace was quickened and we arrived at the front door only a moment sooner. It was clear that Tuskon was just as relieved to be home as I was.

Tuskon reached out to the panel meaning to operate the door, but it slid open before he was able to even touch it. We both looked up to find Marcy standing in the opening. Smiles instantly grew on both of their faces.

A dragonet smile of my own spread over my tiny scales as I took off with a loud whistle. I was well aware that it wasn't enough to break the trance between them, though.

The sky was getting slightly brighter as it glowed a navy blue through the splotches of grey. I turned my attention to the two Kymari as I continued to dance freely in the early morning air. Marcy's smaller body embraced against her mate's as she stretched for her chin to reach over Tuskon's shoulder. They were unmoving for several long seconds that could have turned awkward if they hadn't already been a couple.

Ending their hug, Marcy called out to me in her sweet candy-like voice. I accepted the invitation and dove into her open arms for a hug of my own. The smell of apple tree leaves and sun warmed rocks flowed over me as I took in her scent. Her green skin was lighter than Tuskon's, but it felt just as warm.

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