°~《Chapter Fourteen》~°

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Have I ever expressed just how much I hated needles? Because I hate needles. Right now I may not entirely care that I'm about to be stabbed with one, but that doesn't make the original fear go away. My shaking only increased as the gloved alien held my wings and body down with one hand. I squeaked when I felt the prick of the needle and quickly scampered away with eyes wide open as I was released.

The vet's voice held humor as my legs continued to shiver, "Well at least she isn't completely out of it."

I chittered at him, "This isn't funny."

I imagined they were now looking at the make up of my blood as the vet started talking again, "Right there. She has signs of having major depression. It is odd though, usually it doesn't get to levels as high as this in just a few days, even after a death."

Tuskon brought up his own thought, "Could her singing in the morning affect these levels?"

"We don't know enough about the firelizard's habits to know for sure. From Taureen's observations, it could be possible."

Tuskon sounded stumped, "That still doesn't explain why she wouldn't sing. She would always sing in the past, even when she couldn't fly."

The vet seemed to be just as aggravated by this lack of information, but didn't speak. Instead, I heard something above me make a noise before the three Kymari observed that I had no broken bones nor pulled muscles. After a few more seconds, I heard a small click and I could smell the vet getting closer to me. My eyes were still open as I waited for him to finish.

The vet was startled, "Oh my. Your firelizard is blind!"

I blinked. He was checking my eyes?

Tuskon sounded unsure, "She's never shown signs of being blind before."

I heard the vet stand to his full height as he spoke with confidence, "Incorrect. From your observations, it sounds much like she's been using a special feature called echolocation found in a few of this planets native creatures. With this, she has been able to avoid running into objects around her. However, she could not sing in the morning without her mate who helped her to know when to start and stop."

Tuskon was speechless, "That explains so much."

I slowly laid myself down on the table. The vet was very smart and got the details pretty much spot on.

The vet continued, "However, there is still one thing that doesn't make sense. With how her eyes look, it seems that she could have been born blind, but the action of blinking would have only been present if she once had the ability to see."

The vet was too smart for his own good. If they knew of my intelligence and were to ask how long I had been blind, I would not have a good answer.

I closed my eyes to relax as the three Kymari discussed theories of my blindness and the possible beginning of my depression. It annoyed me to hear people talking about my problems. I already knew everything they were bringing up. None of it mattered to me though. Without Dan, my life was never going to be the same.

The vet quickly caught my attention, "There is a chance for her to use her eyes again."

I shivered. Of course, if anyone had the ability to bring my sight back, it would be these aliens and their crazy technology. Though, even if I didn't know how to react, I was silently very happy for this possibility.

They were now talking in hushed whispers as if the gravity of the situation could change with the slightest loud noise. I desperately wanted to know what was being said. I clicked a few times to grab a bearing on my surroundings before walking to the edge of the table where Marcy was standing. I stood in front of her and sat on my hind legs. At the same time I lifted my hands and swept them up and down like I wanted to be lifted up. Which is what I was aiming for, anyway.

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