°~《Chapter Three》~°☆

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After just a few minutes under the heat, I soon realized that my desire to stay put would not be an option. I didn't know it was even possible to get this hot after being so cold atop the metal table.

I stepped off to the side as memories of my days at the Florida and Mississippi beaches came to me. I clearly remembered not enjoying the feeling of sand in between my toes, yet feeling it now didn't seem to bother me.

After wandering far enough away from the heat to no longer be roasting, I was starting to cool off again. The temperature wasn't nearly as cold as it was on top of the metal table, however.

I was about to lay back down when a familiar feeling washed over me and I realized I was going to need to relieve myself soon. Another old memory came back to me as I remembered the cats my family used to own when I was around ten.

I was confused at first when Dan told me I had to act like an animal, but now I was beginning to see why. It was terrifying enough to think about what might happen to me in this situation. Without my eyesight, and this apparently not being the norm, I was even more terrified of what they might do to me. Acting like an oblivious animal was my best chance at not being prodded any more than they already had.

With that thought at the front of my mind, I promptly dug a hole, did my business, and swiftly buried it. It likely wasn't done very neatly, but I could no longer smell it which lead me to believe it was good enough.

My desire to lay back down on the sand was gone and after another quick smell check, I realized the scent of one of the men had vanished. This left me with the weird scent of the man who had continuously picked me up throughout my time being here. I obviously couldn't see what he was doing, but the faint sound of a pen running across paper and the man's occasional deep breath gave me a vague idea. From the sound of it, he was somewhere in front of me.

A lump in my throat formed at the dread of still not being able to see. My whole career path was dependent on my vision but now with the simple fact I was a tiny dragon that couldn't even see her surroundings, all of my dreams were completely crushed.

To say I was upset would have been an understatement. I had been working for years to get into this art institute and now I'd never achieve my goals. I wanted to scream and cry out in frustration while hiding myself from the world. But hard advice my dad always told me came back to the front of my mind.

You don't get anywhere in life from crying and hiding.

These were the words he always said to me when I felt like giving up. I used to despise hearing them, but I eventually learned to lean on them as I worked my way up to being accepted into the top art institute of the country. So even though I wanted desperately to be like a desert spider and bury myself underneath the sand, I stood up tall, lifted my chin up high, and flared out my wings. I was going to let the world know I was here and that I was not about to back down!

I felt powerful as I opened my mouth and let out a mighty cry of determination. It was louder and higher pitched than I expected, but I ended it off with a satisfying click of my tongue.

I heard the man's startled movement and then did a double take as I also saw his reaction in my own vision. It wasn't like anything I had ever seen before. I didn't see any color and I thought I could faintly make out the messy shapes of larger objects around the room in front of me, but it slowly dissipated like a sun spot in the corner of ones vision. I concentrated harder on what I was seeing only for it to completely vanish. The feeling left me confused as I tried to understand what had just happened. Thinking about it more rationally led me to believe what I saw was actually just vibrations I had felt bouncing back and my mind filled in the blanks with what it thought things should look like.

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